Seth Rogen's Marijuana Knowledge Tested By Anna Faris | PopFest | Entertainment Weekly

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Seth Rogen’s Marijuana Knowledge Tested By Anna Faris | PopFest | Entertainment Weekly

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13 thoughts on “Seth Rogen's Marijuana Knowledge Tested By Anna Faris | PopFest | Entertainment Weekly”

  1. Jack says:

    Second .

  2. matty j says:

    Third! 🙂

  3. Solace says:


  4. Marie Chavez says:

    Love her podcast

  5. Schweinkiller says:

    Annoying motherfucker

  6. Danny D says:

    this made me depressed…I came here to laugh :/

  7. CovfefeVuvuzela says:


    video starts @ 1:58

  8. Green Leader says:

    I am in Uruguay and it is 100% legal !

  9. Claire Furtado says:

    Dude no wonder she got dumped shes dull as shittt

  10. A. Li says:


  11. Alex Clark says:

    Holy shit finally 2 mins to start click bait

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