*Study Shows Marijuana Use..Increases Grey Matter???*Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome*

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22 thoughts on “*Study Shows Marijuana Use..Increases Grey Matter???*Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome*”

  1. Laurie Martin says:

    I,m a 52 year old artist, l smoke when I get an artistic block and my performance increases, my creativity increases,I never liked the buzz off of it so I never used it just to entertain myself, two three times a year, and my artistic flow is consistent. Sativa is the best for creativity!

  2. GI Joe is here 2019 says:

    I have to say one thing. You do not know what your talking about when you say you don't partake. There are hundreds of different types of erb. How many have you tried?

  3. Dave M says:

    Great Mike, you let all the pot heads through the gate! Here they are, filling up the commentary with the usual lame brain "cannabis is from the Gods" dogma! Blah, blah, blah.

  4. G T says:

    Recent studies suggest CBD is not toxic but that CBD alters DNA; altered DNA leads to cancer.

  5. jeremiah mcmullins says:

    Teen brains shouldnt be legal for teens if teens want to do it they will find a way to do it anyway like its not always been on every street corner anyway so simple minded

  6. ELI COPELAND says:

    More lies … as before …. don't believe it people .

  7. ELI COPELAND says:

    cotton and wood is the reason cannabis was illegal….

  8. Mystdragon says:

    Well I have more grey matter lol.

  9. Chris Gold says:

    High as I want to be! Humboldt County born and raised, different strains have different highs. Is a lot to know, hash is concentration of pure pollens pressed for fast action. Oil can be separated from CBDs for the pure THC top high on a pin drop of oil! Its a miracle for sure! Holly anointing oil calls canna blessed ! Think on that a moment

  10. Ganja Train says:

    This is an awesome vid!

  11. Pata Niki says:

    Yup!the more you learn!!! Gr8share

  12. Christopher V says:

    Lol if it was legal I wouldn't be a criminal anymore.

  13. Ben Buckley says:

    I have smoked cannabis since i was 14 i am now 28

    never needed go hospital for fighting or being a arse like many do trough alchol

    cannabis recepter cells are found in the human body so that tells me humans have using this for many thousands of years

    i do not drink at all

    iam actualy smoking a joint now
    its a natrual thing there as been 0 deaths caused by cannabis
    There as been proven studies now saying the plant as a load if benifits for your health .
    Now ask why its illegal here in the u.k .

    how will my doctor give me his poision and charge me for it if i can get a poision free health kick free and grown natrual .

    its never done me any harm i have been arrested many times for it
    I will never stop using it as using it i have not been the doctors since i was 19 for a ear infection .

    iam 6ft 1 .
    weigh 10 and a half stone
    and i eat loads

  14. Flair4Crafts says:

    It gets me in a very reflective mood, it helps with stress and anxiety and even in some occasions has helped me with pain. I know I would not be able to drive or operate machinery while on it because it has the singularity of transport me into a meditative mood. Just be careful with man-made marijuana.

  15. malcolm clark says:

    ..yeah, but were still not smoking it right, it has to be nebulized in the system, and regulated by a micro chip,..the same way all drugs and holistics should be regulated..not so much for tolerance purposes , but more for biorhythm recognition..because biorhythm determines vocation..

  16. Ken Spearacy says:

    Low levels of use…..no such thing

  17. dean mazza says:

    Nice ad in the beginning… Drug addition ???? Coincidence ? I think not..The narrative continues..madness..harmless plant with so much potential….everyday people are awakening..

  18. Celtic Rhys says:

    I can see this is possible since Monsanto started genetically altering marijuana. It stopped doing for me what I had been smokin it for, starting about two years ago. I had been smoking for 20 plus years b4 it started affecting me differently.

  19. Gods•Left•Hand says:

    I suffer from severe attention deficit disorder…im a Tasmanian devil whirl wind of a mess at the best of times…my entire family would tell ya how bad it really gets!! I had stopped using marijuana when my first son was born..he is now 17 years old. I have recently started using marijuana and I'm telling you that it's night and day when I smoke!!! I'm not saying everyone go out and start using marijuana…at all…what I'm saying is that for a lot of disorders this really does help!! It increased my focus and my ability to stay on track of whatever I'm trying to do!!!

  20. Luke Leighton says:

    Grey matter has been proven to be the reason of iq increase rather than size of brain. I’m blaze now lol

  21. stuntard says:

    This is the best YouTube video I've seen in a long time and I watch a lot of YouTube like 10 hours a day


    Why did our government patent it as a neuroprotectant? US6630507. And Cannabinoids are produced naturally in breast milk?? Fluoride is a neurotoxin and it’s in everything!!! Do your research folks!!

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