The Half Tesla, Half Honda, 100% Electric Hot Rod – The Teslonda

Taking old cars and making them better is a part of American culture: the hot rod. In this episode of State of Repair, Jim Belosic takes a 1981 Honda Accord and makes it electric… and very fast.

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40 thoughts on “The Half Tesla, Half Honda, 100% Electric Hot Rod – The Teslonda”

  1. Lightning Rod says:

    the only people who are unaware of how terrifying an armature under full load is are those that have not operated one yet

  2. 98976h says:

    Jim Belošić

  3. TheClonedspork says:

    You need to sign up for Drag Week. David Freiberger has been talking smack about electric cars on Roadkill Extra and needs to learn a lesson about them.

  4. bolland83 says:

    I love the irony of it, the suspension screams "gasser" …yet it uses no gas, lol.

  5. netrioter says:

    hot rodding…lol. hahaha. You took something boring and lame and made it boring,fast and lame

  6. Damien Drake says:

    This car needs wide body !

  7. Paul Richardson says:

    street legal with wheels sticking out like that ?

  8. Carlton Harris says:

    No replacement like displacement I won't sell my gasser's ever even If not allowed on the road nothing gives true horsepower like a gas engine alot of electric car people will say well oh It has 400 horsepower when electric motors can't give true HP but more of a watts rating but jmo…

  9. Klemen Skerbiš says:

    I hope the Toyota guy doesn't get in trouble

  10. BRIAN says:

    Awesome.i made my 2002 hinda insight into a plugin..nothing compared to your amazing car. But you need to go with new tech. Gas to me is like steam engines. Hydrogen is the future too.

  11. Сергей Золоторев says:

    Aaaaaaa dolorian cool

  12. 4c1dr3fl3x says:

    When you can pull into what was a gas station, and swap your empty battery modules for freshly charged ones in minutes rather than plug in and hang out for hours, then you will see those Chevron stations covered in solar panels, EV's in line to top off n' go, and electric cars and delivery vehicles truly win hearts and minds.
    Bolted-in battery designs aren't the way to go. They need to be quick swap, like propane tanks at Home Depot.

  13. Accord says:

    Wait, this dude is in the same city I'm from and I've never heard of this car?

  14. Matt Frost says:

    Hang with the best of them, until it hits a corner

  15. Showmy says:

    Teslonda ? more like Hosla 😀

  16. Ponuru says:

    More shitty stories by motherboard. Did they talk to the Original electric racing car White Zombie race team? No, they chose some suburban dad with delusions of grandeur. Thanks motherboard for another half assed story!

  17. Joe Long says:

    love the idea and concept but hate the body choice on those wheels , reminds me too much of a monster truck rather than a old gasser , need to leave the 1980s and drop a decade or two at least

  18. El Vergon says:

    i want my v8

  19. MCLMM says:

    Do a mazda. Zoom Zoom

  20. dillon rider says:

    Looks exactly like it was a year ago

  21. Pl ox says:

    ive been wondering what if you connect the tesla's motor to a racing 6 gear transmission

  22. 3piece mando says:

    fender flares.. bro. and some camber.

  23. Chris Daniels says:

    You didn’t need to be filthy rich to hot rod back in the day of hot rods. How ridiculous. Wish I was filthy rich to pretend I’m invetinive and down to earth.

  24. Bradley SR says:

    Why did he call it a tesl-onda, I would call it a Hond-a

  25. Bryce Rhodes says:

    Inspired by the movie "Employee of the Month"?

  26. YoYoMA _ says:

    Electric is the END of the mechanical romance that you IDIOTS don't understand.

  27. Illew Menadeh says:

    V8 left the chat

  28. area51r says:

    that thing is dumb

  29. francisco hernandez says:

    Electric is cool not as cool as hydrogen water fuel why did for lithium or any other element to store energy when we can just turn on a faucet for fuel

  30. Alex Ramirez says:

    Woooow great car

  31. Sadorath says:

    How much does the drive unit and batteries cost?

  32. Shellby Cobra says:

    That kid is LUCKY

  33. Jessica says:

    Melted my heart to hear him talk about building a car with his son at the end <3

  34. Torch TV says:

    UPGRADE V2.1 Movie

  35. Outcast Imaging says:

    Im pretty sure i can get a decently cheap,flood water damaged corvette. Do you think it would be okay to put the tesla kit and batteries from EV West in there? I dont think there would be any issues?

  36. Dank train Thomas says:

    You ruined that poor Honda electric cars suck

  37. Taylor Adams says:

    I never understood why anyone cars about sound when it’s about performance when talking about the fastest. I’ll take a car that goes 200 mph that is silent over a loud engine that sounds like it wants to explode at 40.

  38. Xnknown X says:

    The Government controls everything.

    What do you think? Stigma is solely the reason for the electric vehicle to be stopped and prevented as much as possible.

  39. JAKE TORRALBA says:

    Where is the smoke coming from if it is electric?

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