The Pros & Cons Of The Weed Legalization Movement

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25 thoughts on “The Pros & Cons Of The Weed Legalization Movement”

  1. Mike Z says:

    Lol. The noise of your powder dispenser.

  2. George W says:

    I haven't even watched the video. This is the wrong way to think of it. It's like saying the pros and cons of slavery. Who cares about the pros and cons. People have a right to do what they want with their body. We do not need to frame the debate in terms of pros and cons. We need to frame the argument in terms of individual rights. People who say they want drugs to be illegal are saying they want to lock you in a cage if you do what you want with your own body.

  3. AmericanZombieDos says:

    Legalize it and DON'T tax the shit out of it. Tired of people wanting to legalize drugs to tax it. Politically, sure that's probably the better thing to say. But it's terrible that the government gets a cut for no good reason like the mob gets protection money.

    I also agree, people make too much of a big deal about health benefits of marijuana. Who cares, let adults decide what they want to put in their bodies.

  4. JIMI says:

    put up some links to the studies you read I would like very much to read them

  5. Biglift73 says:

    lol'ed hard @4:24

  6. Harold Koonce says:

    it does i have ptsd and pain it works

  7. Harold Koonce says:

    read better studies your drinking the kool aid

  8. Thrice Great says:

    really good video. I know someone who smoked habitually because of anxiety and back pain. I don't think it did much good for the anxiety, at least not long term, nor the back pain which would have been better addressed by loosing weight and exercise. also, it seemed to add depression and an overall state of dejection, listlessness and inactivity. for many regular smokers, weed is just a mask for an underlying anxiety condition.

  9. Gal says:

    Health wise, is alcohol harmful as marijuana? Is alcohol harmful at all if not taken in extreme excess?

  10. Keith Gemmill says:

    Marijuana does have a place in the medical field. I for a fact, know personally, a gentleman that cured his daughters cancer/brain tumor with the use of marijuana being given by a dr(he had to pursue this avenue illegally, before medicinal use was legal in our state) . She was considered terminal and her health insurance was dropped due to the fact that Dr's basically wrote her off. Said there was nothing more to do but wait for the inevitable. Surgery was not an option and none of the medicine was shrinking the tumor. That was over 4 years ago. Her tumor is completely gone as of today. Her illness began before the age of 5 and she had her 10th birthday not long ago. You can believe this if you want, I have nothing to gain by telling the story. I would just like it to be known that some of these miracle stories and studies are indeed fact.

  11. Eveliina Tistelgren says:

    How many times do you recycle the same Brass?

  12. FightStarMMA says:

    damn jason blaha is a modern day guru he knows it all… hes incredible really.

  13. There Were No Gas Chambers says:

    Marijuana has sapped the motivation of 3 generations of Americans which is why we don't have any "American" doctors anymore, we have to import them from China and India where they don't smoke weed and therefore have the cognitive abilities to study something as difficult as medicine which requires math, chemistry and biology. I had a friend who was accepted into UCLA pre-med as was determined to become a doctor, that's all he wanted to do…until he started smoking weed. He dropped out after a year and a half and became a pot smoking handyman instead.

  14. PlayTimeIsOverCommies 1488 says:

    Just as bad as alcohol? hmmmmm.

    Can you OD on marijuana?

  15. RVM451 says:

    You seem bogged down in PRAGMATICS.
    Does The State have the MORAL RIGHT to prohibit Marijuana? If the Answer is, "NO" then we should legalize it even if we know for a fact that it will bring on the Imminent downfall of Western Civilization.
    Another pet peeve that I have—Why put so much time, money and resources into legalizing a lackluster drug like Marijuana?
    Legalize Steroids! Legalize Opiates!—no, most of what you know about Opiates is WRONG. Read Abby Hoffman's "Steal This Urine Test."
    Although most arguments against Opiates are merely Irrelevant Pragmatism anyway…
    Legalize LSD-25!
    If I could buy Steroids over the counter, then MAYBE I could get my 60-year old body into shape for one last 5-10 year fling. With plenty of painkillers my declining years would be far more comfortable.
    Dropping a few hits of Acid just might jog my Creativity enough for me to create one really outstanding piece of ART as the clock ticks.
    Some of the Pro-Drug Arguments begs the same question that many Pro-Gun Argument beg…
    i.e." Banning Guns won't make the World any Safer."
    I believe that—but let me ask you:
    "IF you could be persuaded that Banning Guns would make the World a Safer Place—Would you be willing to give up your Guns THEN?"
    I have nothing but the most scathing contempt for folks who'd be willing to give up their Guns "If it would do any 'good'."
    I wouldn't because in the final analysis if forced to choose—I'd rather have my Guns that to be Safe. Life without Firearms is meaningless.
    Sure—in Miyamoto Musashi's day The Katana was the Soul of the Warrior. In Cain and Abel days it was probably a flint-tipped spear.
    Nowadays a good 1911A1and a sound knowledge of Cooper is the Soul of The Modern Samurai.

  16. steroidsR4losers says:

    I have noticed several YouTube channels giving very bad advice to kids about steroids. These people are saying that it is "ok" to use steroids as long as you have been training natural for a certain amount of years and you are of a certain age. They also say it is "ok" to use steroids just as long as you are honest about it.

    This is all bad advice! Steroids are for patients that have medical problems, not for lifting weights or sports.

    Stay natural buddy!

  17. Martin Gonzalez says:

    Great video

  18. MIKE FERGUSON says:

    you fat liar

  19. MIKE FERGUSON says:

    your nuts

  20. Ouroboros Freeman says:

    There are actually 2 known strands of Marijuana. Indica and Sativa one is a depressant and the other is an anti depressant. My main support is medically and Industrialized Hemp. Most of the issue with it being legal came from Anti-Hemp lobbying

  21. fel1x says:

    Problem with weed legalization is that in a legal system with equality you would need to legalize all or no recreational drugs without cultural justification. I don't know of weed history in European cultures and thereby it's not culturally justified. On top of this a lot of the powder drugs are less harmfull than weed when consumed in good quality meaning the original point has more to it than some people think. There are still countries with meth in prescription medication and meth has a better history with medical application than weed.

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