Uncle Dust Comedy Weed Edibles 4 Senior Citizens #marijuana #nonprofit #teamfuckery

uncle Dust and #teamfuckery love the fuck outta old people . smoke up seniors this bags on old uncle dust . your welcome . FOLLOW THESE ACCOUNTS 4 THE GREATEST DAILY FUNNY SINCE NIXON BAGGED A TRANNY . LOL

#hiphop #parodies

Youtube Channel

3 thoughts on “Uncle Dust Comedy Weed Edibles 4 Senior Citizens #marijuana #nonprofit #teamfuckery”

  1. Jeffrey Scalia says:

    You look like the security at lakeside420 lol I almost snapped a pic

  2. AceMcCrank says:

    I want to see the follow-up to this. The baking, and the delivery, the aftermath. This looks like it could go viral.

  3. ModdedTech Enterprises says:

    Bring me some homie. Lol

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