Cristela Alonzo, Nick Thune, Beth Stelling and more discuss the ecstatic highs and sluggish lows of their drug experiences.

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  1. matthew frost says:

    this video is strait trash its like a bad trip.

  2. brandon thecreator says:

    These niggas fucking suck

  3. MAD Hat says:

    Only funny one was the last one, WEED jokes are bad and aren't drugs

  4. Omer Aamir Shah says:

    don't assume the worst, I sooo badly want to believe that I really do want, wish/pray that the world is like that 24/7 for ever n always.

  5. gyard grounds says:

    Maybe I needa smoke another blunt but this shit pissing me off everyone be titling shit drug stories and the whole thing ab weed like that ain’t a drug

  6. damian gomez says:

    i have come to the conclusion women aren’t funny

  7. CM Connolly says:

    this shit was mad awkward…and fake stories, too.

  8. weston says:

    No Shane Mauss?? He’s got the best tripping stories ever. Not the typical “I smoked weed and got hungry” bit

  9. jon sparrow says:

    That chick proved again that women can't do comedy

  10. dvzimm3 says:

    Weed is just a confusing spice.

  11. Gearedup Tiger65 says:

    The second one made me cringe

  12. Moe Curls says:

    "Dont smoke weed if youre like sucks" true true

  13. Willmer Macias says:

    That 2nd guy was funny all like me lol

  14. Willmer Macias says:

    The best was the big dude lunchables…

  15. Manie Mane says:

    The chick was so unfunny that its not even funny

  16. Gene Nelson says:

    Upvoted, strictly for the last bit.

  17. bro merkabah says:

    Notice when the girls talk and noone laughs

  18. Conor Mc Dowell says:

    Devin I feel you

  19. Chris Roman says:

    Leonard needs some new material, just saying.

  20. Wonganie says:

    1st Dude. I hope he smoked too much

    WTF is with ya eyebrows Man

  21. Jose Julio says:

    I didn't find any of these funny, expected better.

  22. gohstdog23 says:

    The second girl sounded like shes trying to do that played out lazy (sandra bernhardt) type of sarcastic voice with that "ahuugh" cough .

  23. Israel M says:

    Is this the dumbest jokes about weed?

  24. Josh Furner says:

    So far they've all sucked

  25. Red Tow says:

    So how is it funny that a dumbass smokes all the shit and that is funny in some actual way?? Sounds like a female that's missed her target of a billionaire. Sounds like a buncha bullshit to me.

    That said, I'm an aren't very that smokes to control body pain. It just makes it so I can't feel any pain. How is that negative? Of yeah, that's right. Govt don't make money in anything that cures you. Damn me and my logical brain. Oh that's right, fuck the govt until it is what WE The People want

  26. Who's King Now says:

    In my opinion Weed sucks because its too socially acceptable and "safe" now days, so I needed to move to opioids just to bee cool again.

  27. Noire Sebba says:

    Ew wtf people still call it pot?

  28. Michael Lau says:

    If we smoke together you best believe I’m gonna have some cereal with strawberry and chocolate syrup

  29. evan wiechert says:

    "We all know weed is dangerous"? Bitch stfu

  30. puertoricanboy100 says:

    Beth Sterling sounds like my pneumonic friend, coughing every 10 to 7 seconds.

  31. 1,000 subs with no videos challenge says:

    The second chick just makes cannabis look bad.

  32. Da Green Thing says:

    It feels like its repenting

  33. Brian Gaudino says:

    Women are not funny

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