Web Exclusive: The Dangers Of Marijuana

Fear mongering about cannabis reaches a new level.

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39 thoughts on “Web Exclusive: The Dangers Of Marijuana”

  1. Imantas #7 says:

    Who is that fat whale in the background …

  2. Mark Gigiel says:

    I think Naomi either just woke up or took a hit before that video.

  3. BK Bland says:

    Anything on fox is suspect. They lie almost as much as that trump. Here's the thing. Fuck them. Keep your fear. That's for lesser mortals.

  4. william badovinac says:

    Your report is just as foul as any. Any doctor will tell you no quality studies of Mary Jane on users is in publication. It's an unknown risk. My buddy can handle it but I despise its affects on me.

  5. Aminor Amajor says:

    With marijuana, you can fly your brain like a hawk, but it would not come back !!

  6. Aurinkohirvi says:

    Hah, hah Michele! 1:48
    Hmmmm…. Did you use Michele as a guinea pig for pot dangers?


  7. Anthony Umina says:

    The criminalization of marijuana possession is a completely separate topic, but nice try trying to legitimize your bias garbage with legitimate social concerns.

  8. Shawna Smith says:

    give me a break

  9. JoN GuNn says:

    Ah the trusted and vetted news of Fox. So wonderful that we have such an unbiased source of fully researched scientific data. Next week I'll be giving an interview to Tucker about how learning to read causes blindness because I've seen tons of people who read that wearing glasses. Hopefully Tucker doesn't tell me I sound like a "doody head."

  10. Sparky Gump says:

    I've been using cannabis for over 40 years now. I must be completely insane.

  11. TyDie85 says:

    Lmfao!! Why did he feel it imperative to list the slang term people use?! What an uptight prick. Oh and that edit was too perfect! That woman is gorgeous! (So are you) πŸ™‚

  12. recniabsal says:

    You can't diagnose schizophrenia until you diagnose gangstalking and Cointelpro based on no due process of government watchlists to protect capitalist interests.

    Psychosis has something to do with anger built up in the mind, swaying between the nature vs nurture mindset, and the preceding mindset of the smoker. It has been illegal for so long because capitalists fear the public figuring out how this plant works and using it to create "balanced minds." That would be their downfall.

  13. Agent J says:

    Pretty sure the most relevant threat, is a few people waiting for the stop sign to turn green.

  14. burning pile says:

    The fight is over and capitalism has prevailed! You can still get in on the ground floor or, you can collect megabucks from drug peddlers and the alcoholic industry but, pointing to the ill effects of any product is strictly forbidden in polite society.

  15. Mickey The maltipoo says:

    I wonder what pharmaceutical company is behind this

  16. RobertMStahl says:

    I love you guys. Hey, do keep up with mental_boost, if u wl.

    Mlr Gate

    Metals shuddering against the scintillating origins of the universe, but, only sensationally. Seriously. (I took the help when he offered it, Randell L Mills)

  17. Toufi Saliba says:

    From 1:48 to 1:58 / hilarious trip in your background πŸ™‚

  18. Daniel says:

    Naomi, just in case you're single and looking, I'm available. Just thought I'd put that out there…

  19. Robert Lopez says:

    I think Dem good β€˜ol boys been smoking too much of da wacky tobacky again

  20. Ron Maimon says:

    The only danger of marijuana is that you will get STONED. That means you will not be able to DO MATHEMATICS, think about ECONOMICS, do LOGICAL REASONING, or make precise judgements about right and wrong, at least as long as the cannabinoid residues are there mucking up your brain. That's much much longer than the time that you are high, it's several days of confusion and memory problems at least, and sometimes over a month for a heavy smoker who decides to stop cold-turkey. The result of being chronically stoned is that you are left stupid and weak, and are susceptible to right-wing propaganda, because you have no mind of your own. Nobody should smoke pot more than a handful of times in a lifetime, it will take your education and throw it out the window, and eventually turn you into a stupid Republican, like it did to Bob Dylan and Arlo Gurthrie.

  21. Rui Preto says:

    You got me Naomi!!! πŸ™‚ At first I didn't wanted to watch it. For obvious reasons. I'm a #ot #ead for 30yrs and I'm getting along real fine, I'm a responsible father of two, I pay my taxes and I think I do not commit any crime if this helps me to get along on this shallow world… Peace and keep it up! Peace πŸ™‚

  22. Craig Bartel says:

    Very nice

  23. Craig Bartel says:

    I don't know how they can keep playing it off and lying to people .
    Alcohol is legal , and it is far more dangerous than cannabis. I've never had a pounding headache , thrown up all over the place , and felt like dying from smoking marijuana, not once.
    How many people are killed by drunk driving ? How many fights involve alcohol ? Domestic abuse ? Murder ? Hit and runs ?
    ..just about every shitty thing that a person can do increases with alcohol consumption ..and alcohol is legal ???
    I think a chart comparing alcohol to marijuana would be funny lol. Like on one side a guy heaving into a toilet or something , and on the other side some stoner vegging out , something to that effect . How much jail time does a person get for drinking a beer ? What's the legal limit of how much alcohol a person can posses ? ..whats that ? ..there is no limit on how much alcohol a person can have ? You can litterally turn your house into a fully stocked bar and wine cellar and no problem ..woohoo. but good forbid if you got more than five plants or an ounce , or whatever it is ..and it seems to change from place to place . Hhmm , I guess they don't really have a common consensus of how much is too much ?
    Why is that ? Oh because they're lying and fucking stupid. So I can have an unlimited amount of alcohol on hand at any time , and alcohol is worse than marijuana , ..but I can't have too much marijuana on me ..because , ummmm , something bad might happen ? Wtf ?
    It's staggering like a total body brain face palm.
    Almost as nauseating as a bottle of jack daniels lol.

  24. Rich Bright says:

    Now jailing my brothers for taken a toke! Will jack up their families and all kinds of folk!! Your stock in prisons is about to go down cause we have decided you are the clown!! You will eat a pill yet yell at me still. Judging all Nature have given to thee
    Millions of families have been destroyed! Damaged and lost! For your view and judgement are not worth the cost!!! Look at this war on drugs!! Just creating thugs!! You send them to prison and off to the jail! While marry a daughter will surely not hail. From a private school her dad is in jail!! Thank you!!
    Do research please on distant past!! You think Big Pharma is fine and well ???? Tell me my friend your Stock you should Sell!!!
    I side with legalize and release all the non violent (Beings) That this oppressive system has detained. The meaning of Non Violent?? Was the Violence Caused Due to Arrest, or Fear of Arrest?? Many Cases need Review!! Reduce the Population of These Degrading, Violent , Schools Teaching How to Harm and Hate and Discriminate!!! ((PRISONS)) How many families has this law destroyed? How many have lost homes, careers, vehicles, land Lives destroyed?? How many billions of the peoples tax dollars have been spent on another War?? What about the gang violence??
    Just look what it cost YOU THE TAX PAYER!!! 30,000 Dollars per Year 3 in a Cell that is 7 feet by 10 feet = 90,000 Per Cell Each YEAR!!! They are not eating steaks or sleeping on a certa!!! Concrete bed with a 2 inch mat!!! Fighting for their lives and being treated like animals!!!!! WHO MADE THESE LAWS!!!!!!!
    It is not you and I who make these laws!!
    The Corporations PAY Lobbyist who in turn Buy Favors ((BRIBE)) their friends !!!
    I do not see people drinking Gasoline or Eating Poison? No Jail Time no Crime??
    WHO PROFITS?? Do you own STOCK in this SYSTEM!!! You ARE !!!
    WHO PAYS??? EVERYONE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. BadManKingston says:

    Alcohol is more dangerus then weed, but alcohol is legal and if it is legal then it is oke , how many alcohol acidents are every day, how many ppl die bc of alcohol, how many ppl are getin agresif bc of alcohol hmmmmmm

  26. Conexus says:

    Organic bud is the only safe kind of bud. Majority of bud is sprayed with chemicals….

  27. public domain says:

    Big Pharma wants to control any and all useful free substance that makes their chemical constructs obsolete.

  28. phacedup 007 says:

    Look at how the FDA is planning to regulate CBD. It's now illegal to sell CBD for human consumption.

  29. Dariusz Kowalski says:

    honey, just show your your bubs don't sey nothing…

  30. Dariusz Kowalski says:

    honey, just show your bubs

  31. James M says:

    Am I the only one seeing a cam girl stripping?

  32. NikolayNikoloff says:

    For these people facts don't matter, its only their believes that matters, here are the dangers of strong faith …

  33. Chris says:

    It's not the pot it's the pharmaceuticals that are fucking people up

  34. Chris says:

    Do you know how many people are alive because I smoke weed lol

  35. co zy3 says:

    Naomi your library is impressive

  36. Brown Ryan says:

    Uh Can I lick your face , don't mean to be rude, good info to

  37. Darie Mc Laughlin says:

    The fruition of trickle down economics is selling rents to the middleclass, licensing the snake oil of medical marijuana that only masks the generational malnutrition and subsidizes the cost to the church and state to police of the continued criminalization of human nutrition and sustainable industry.
    Marijuana psychosis and its symptoms that can trigger schizophrenia are only ever documented in individuals who spend their last ducket on hemp that when smoked does not get them high leaving them both broke and, ripped off and also with no expected physiological relief from the malnutrition of criminalized human nutrition of hemp, ciders, coca and poppy.

  38. jon tomas says:

    The alleged marijuana/schizophrenia connection stemmed from an observation that a certain percentage of schizophrenic patients consumed marijuana. Prohibitionists jumped on the idea that showed marijuana caused schizophrenia, and the media belched it out.

    It turns out, some schizophrenic patients were actually self-medicating with cannabis. Further research has shown most patients obtain effective relief, while a few get aggravation of their symptoms.

    But prohibitionists love this false causation idea so much they continue to cling to it, as Berenson does.

    On the contrary, research shows marijuana helps prevent the deadly swelling from brain trauma, gives the brain more stamina, helps prevent and treat Alzheimer's and similar brain disease and actually stimulates the production of new brain cells.

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