35 thoughts on “Weed > a cup of ️ any day …”

  1. zacsey says:

    Who fucking cares. Everyone has a vice

  2. gabriel_is_garcia says:

    I like drinking coffee after i smoke weed, the indica and caffine balance me out

  3. cfrench3 says:

    Jesus. Completely agree weed is safer than caffeine. It 100% can cause PHYSICAL ADDICTION!!Hundreds of studies from pro-weed researchers have shown that. And it causes many other problems. Primarily when inhaled. Which is all you show. It is still smoke going into your lungs. There is no “safe” smoke to inhale. COPD, bronchpulm dysfunction and many more problems come from smoke inhalation. Stay woke fam. Be objective. Not sheep.

  4. k.evin7897 says:


  5. 5324bossi says:

    Weed is safer than caffeine but weed dont keep me awake

  6. ennxlbc says:

    Weed is the healing of the nation’s

  7. austin__nicefaro says:


  8. maddietuck says:

    I’ve been telling my daughter I’d rather she smoke pot than drink coffee for almost 10 years now

  9. max_everss says:

    @matthewbtg basta jptalla

  10. samthemam16 says:

    @amy.kopec no shit

  11. hafiz.adha says:

    Then we need to smoke weed everyday ~~

  12. marijuanacentre says:


  13. carlaconnects says:

    I’m addicted to coffee with strong caffeine. I don’t eat, sleep, super cranky if I don’t get it. Cannabis helps me eat And I make healthy foods, sleep like a baby and I’m a happier more productive #mmjpatient so grateful today!!

  14. aryamandhawan says:


  15. sam_shines_on says:

    Hell yea give me some sativa and I don’t need coffee.

  16. amy.kopec says:

    @samthemam16 weed is safer than caffeine

  17. peter_zimbalist says:

    No its not

  18. aaronxharleyx1 says:


  19. mr.wexx says:

    @nika_huetten @451er @valentin_leu

  20. oliver2511 says:


  21. kimberleedrew says:

    I prefer both at the same dam time

  22. soulplr says:

    Lol @phivana @gemmaromain

  23. lassiveittikoski says:

    I dont think sativa or indica gives any energy

  24. rodohernandez says:

    Why not both?

  25. all_lee_ollie says:

    Hell yea , cannabis doesn’t make my heart skip beats caffeine sure does

  26. raalfie_11 says:


  27. raalfie_11 says:


  28. raalfie_11 says:


  29. raalfie_11 says:


  30. raalfie_11 says:


  31. raalfie_11 says:


  32. hasse_mer says:

    @jonahalbertijn olaaa

  33. hritvikagarwal says:


  34. jaded_ren says:

    @korn7kid not giving up my coffee babe

  35. paumiche says:

    @richyfett told you

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