Weed Wine for 4/20! | Whitney A.

And another extra video this week!! A 4/20 celebration was in order.

Know Label Wine Tincture:


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Hello friends! My name is Whitney. I’m a wine lady (and certified sommelier) living in Los Angeles. On the channel, I talk about wine, cocktails, entertaining, dating and style with a generous dose of funny. You can expect a new video every Tuesday!

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19 thoughts on “Weed Wine for 4/20! | Whitney A.”

  1. Jennifer Gonzalez says:

    Fuck yes Whitney you never disappoint

  2. Ray Coan says:

    Lazy Bitch episode on 710.

  3. AlexThaProduct -lina says:

    this was so funny omg what a queen just made my night. I want weed wiiine

  4. Henning Mörbus says:

    Thanks for posting a video on Hitlers birthday. Happy birthday.

  5. Coralie Salvon says:

    We celebrate 420 because 4:20 pm is supposed to be the best time to smoke weed and so april 20th is just the perfect day! Thank you for this extra video it was amazing as usual!

  6. Joseph Manning says:

    4:20 comes from the date in the 1970's when a bunch of high school students smoked weed by a statue at a high school in NoCal, to legalize it. (I think that's the story).

  7. Kris F says:

    420 was the code for marijuana possession in calafornia so stoners used it as a "code word"

  8. Emily Keen says:

    Just one more reason to hop a plane to California. Virginia is probably another 30 years from allowing medical marijuana, let alone recreational.

  9. Stacy Michelle says:

    There's a recent episode of the podcast Criminal that tells the story behind 4/20 – it's actually really funny and interesting!

  10. Tungadunger says:

    The best of both worlds.

  11. Alan says:

    Can anyone buy this or you need a medical card ? Ugh

  12. Patricia Appelquist says:

    Thank YOU Whitney Adams for sharing the education portion of this and two for trying the wine for us

  13. John Lathon says:

    1st time seeing your videos, your amazing… likes weed an sexy? your amazing

  14. irene k says:

    Whitney, do you think you could use a higher volume for your videos? such as bringing the mic closer, editing it later, etc. I find myself having to increase the volume a lot for your videos! 🙂

  15. sucrose says:

    living in korea so absolutely no weed for me but i enjoyed the video nonetheless <3

  16. Chanel McLean says:

    are you going to be at the Kushstock festival ?!?

  17. Sam Chop says:

    Dude, it took me 1 minute to find out about the Waldos.
    There's a conflict between legal and state legislation, so you do know the rudiments of the legal situation.
    I know that women are generally more agreeable so I get that you aren't going to be all factual and prudent and shit, but there comes a point where your effortless vibe starts to look like you're just a lazy stereotype. Cali chill don't excuse not taking 1 minute to google the Waldos.

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