What should weed cost?

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26 thoughts on “What should weed cost?”

  1. cgeberdt97 says:

    "states like denver" at least what you're smoking now is good haha

  2. The Age of The Awakening says:

    an 8th in New York city is $60 ,for ho hum weed full of stems

  3. 420withGigi says:

    On point!

  4. Tyler Belanger says:

    this is why i am glad states have legalized before canada does. there will not be 400$ ounces being sold here. 240 yes i can see that. but i can also see like you stated 100$ 150$ ounces. now hash,edibles and tinctures are a different story here. i am not sure how the 'other' derivatives will be dealt with here in canada

  5. fernanda ceron says:

    idk man…love uuuu slower 🙂

  6. KYLE Clark says:

    15 a g for bho nug run shatter, 25 for live resin, 5 a g for bud. not even a legal state…

  7. K Pop says:

    Iv been a medical patient in two states and currently refuse to apply for my medical card in the state I now live. I am expected to pay a fee for a card that I don't need for any other medication on the market. Now the fee doesn't get me much more than a recreational customer. (i can buy and posses more). The medical patient is severely getting screwed with the big business of recreational sales.

  8. freddy yuriar says:

    do you write your own music?

  9. Jonathan Wikler says:

    Henderson dispensaries are not yet selling rec cannabis so they're still pretty well stocked for medical patients.

  10. Duy K says:


  11. Mark Jackson says:

    Its become an industry. the government makes the big money from the taxes. the consumer will end up getting ripped off / and the this generally means those that cant affford it in the first place. the way forward is growing it your self itf thats possibel.

  12. Weedclectic says:

    If you have your Nevada medical card head to Henderson for great deals still! They don''t recognize rec weed sales.

  13. David Pinto says:

    It should be free.

  14. Sarah Floria says:

    The weed I get in Canada is about like this:
    Flower (one gram): $7-$12
    Shatter (one gram): $40-$45
    For about 150mg of edibles, might be anywhere from $13-$20 depending on what it is
    Phoenix Tears for 500mg is anywhere from $30-$60

    I get this one kind of phoenix tears that is slightly cinnamon flavoured, 600mg and it is only $30 and it is super amazing and works very well. I hope that it never goes away!

  15. NeverForev3r says:

    I didn't watch the video yet but I gotta ask, especially for live resin. Why is it more expensive? It should be cheaper. Is it because of the production tax? Wet weed weighing more than dry weed? If so, that needs to change. It's back asswards.

  16. kathal1 says:

    20 dollars a gram in aus! shit but what can you do

  17. Sloan A says:

    I love the beginning of this video

  18. XeXBlazeIT says:

    Mid shelf should be $5-9 a gram top shelf should be $10-15 a gram

  19. Chris Ryan says:

    The music (which is dope as fuck) would compliment it better if the shots were cleaner, a little cinematic action (:

  20. bofeity says:

    Also, Reef has a medical express lane

  21. Miguel Reyes says:

    lol welcome to capitalism.

  22. efl8o98 says:

    Nothing it's a plant

  23. frenchfri5106 says:

    Lol tfw you can get cheaper weed in your illegal state than Nevada

  24. Anita Bon grip says:

    How much is the tax in LV?

  25. High Dragon says:

    it shouldnt be that much its a fucking plant for crying out loud

  26. Chinpoko says:

    if weed was always legal and never was illegal, weed would be dirt cheap.

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