When it’s your 1st time getting high #HaHaDavis #NoSelfDoubt #BigFella #Finn…

When it’s your 1st time getting high #HaHaDavis #NoSelfDoubt #BigFella #FinnaBeABreeze


12 thoughts on “When it’s your 1st time getting high #HaHaDavis #NoSelfDoubt #BigFella #Finn…”

  1. Elliott Gore says:

    I love as soon as he put his lips to that blunt, he knew he had messed up, he called on God for help. God was like, NAAHH B!! YOU ON YO OWN ON THIZ ONE!! LOL

  2. TroyLuv Pebbles Dior says:

    My first time smoking I instantly got butt Ass naked at the hotel kicking the rain in the parking lot and screaming I didn’t care about nothing for an hour and a half

  3. Adilson Pereira says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHHA bruh come on now i just woke up, you killing me already you took ONE gdmnnn Hit and look what you doing big fella LMAO (rolling on ground)

  4. Jason Murray says:

    I remember the 1st time I got high..

    I was walking through a lil village at night with my mates..

    As soon as it kicked it, I felt like I was floating, taking a step for the curb in the middle of the road, looked into a small river and it looked like a t.v screen with football players running around.

    Went into a shop and burst out laughing when I saw a pack on jammy Dodgers..

    Then sat in my mates car listening to Eminem, while is was raining…
    all the raindrops on the windscreen looked like eyeballs..
    Those were the days..

  5. Grateful Sam says:

    If them aint long johns you got on, you better get some looser pants on or you fffafffffafffffiiiinnnnnaaaaa die my nigga

  6. Kendra Tyner says:

    Lmao… I can’t with him. I was just chilling my first time. Lmfao. Then, I went to Wendy’s and ordered everything in sight.

  7. Rickey Blue says:

    This dude funny as hell man lmaoo!!!

  8. Paula Johnson says:

    Man I love this dude he’s hilarious especially the face expression he makes when he realize things going wrong and the voice in the back ground kills me…. LLH!!!

  9. Christophe Craft says:

    We interrupt this program to bring you…Courage the Cowardly Dog Show, starring Courage, the Cowardly Dog! Abandoned as a pup, he was found by Muriel, who lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, Eustace Bagge. But creepy stuff happens in Nowhere. It’s up to Courage to save his new home! Stupid dog… You make me look bad! Oooh GA bogabogaaaaaahhh!

  10. Alexander Lex Diamond Grant says:

    Once i heard that ” wooooooo shittt” i knew this skit was going to have me on the floor

  11. Benjamin Taylor says:

    Next thing you know i was in Deebo pigeon coop sweating like a slave

  12. Kevin Ramirez says:

    I literally stop whatever I’m doing when I see he has a new video out.

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