Why Isn't Weed Legal But Guns Are? – Allen Strickland Williams

Allen Strickland Williams takes the wrong message from a PETA billboard and considers the hidden subtext of the 2016 presidential election. (Contains strong language.)

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25 thoughts on “Why Isn't Weed Legal But Guns Are? – Allen Strickland Williams”

  1. melvina628 says:

    0:26 Even Cowgirls Get the Blues.

  2. Mellissande Nonyabiz says:

    Really enjoyed this standup, going to have to look you up for more

  3. Facts and Boredom says:

    Is it just me or did this guy ask a stoned 7th grader to write his routine

  4. sh b says:

    Man.. didn't know white privilege paved roads to comedy too

  5. alex tattoos says:

    oh and by the way, i jus unsubscibed thanks to this dork

  6. dil oreo says:

    This guy sucks. Booooooo

  7. Miguel Castillo says:

    “I don’t think we can ZIP ZAP ZOP our way out of this one.” IM DONE

  8. invisiblemanmusic1 says:

    It’s like watching a giant David Spade do a horrible impression of John Mulaney.

  9. Blake Elliott says:

    This guy wasn’t as bad as the comments suggest. Anything magical or special? Nah, still needs work. But, was he terrible? I don’t think so.

  10. im19ice3 says:

    the gun jokes were good

  11. alex' says:

    Finally,political comedy that doesn’t suck.

  12. supervegeta101 says:

    He's like a more laid back Jeselnik

  13. KC Danny says:

    Such a cute lesbian

  14. Gopic21 says:

    this man looks like brad pitt from the front and jack mcbrayer from the side

  15. Brett Gomsrud says:

    Hmmm nope

  16. Nathan Foster says:

    Im assuming most of the negative comments are from gun nuts. I thought he was pretty amusing even tho i own 2 guns

  17. Jay Sven says:

    Ahhh smartish type jokes. Aight

  18. Конгруэнтная Ведьма says:

    I don't trust anybody. especially vegans

  19. Trey Yula says:

    Here’s an idea why not have both legal?

  20. Captain Moretokin says:

    that was a waist of time.

  21. Mike Nunyabizness says:

    When did Waylan Smithers start doing stand up?

  22. Ann Berlin says:

    “I’ve never been at a party and been super stoked because someone brought a gun”

    You don’t party in WV, do ya? Lmao

  23. Sara Jingle says:

    That last joke tho

  24. Matthew Thaxton says:

    shoulda worn a black or dark blue shirt with that suit and tie. fucking disaster.

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